project 5.0 mounty | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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project 5.0 mounty

here is my 97 mounty i just picked up. plans are....

1)4406 swap
2)hp d30 out of cherokee
3)soa rear and radius arm front on coils
4)33-35" mt's on 15x8-15x10 steel wheels
5)custom bumpers and sliders and roof rack

here it is as of hopefully will start soon..





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That sucks about the mountaineer but the explorer looks like an awesome replacement

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oh yes this x is really nice. the only thing the mounty had over the x was a sunroof. the x only has 148k miles and everything works perfect...almost to nice to build into a i might sell it and buy a rougher one and a 1st gen....gonna slep on it tonight and make my mind up.

ok i have decided to keep it. i have a great platform to work from and its never been abused and been well maintained so no mechanical problems.
so now its time to start getting the parts for the build....more to come

anyone got a stock 6 bolt front driveshaft....i wanna run it for a while with awd until i get the 4406 and other stuff i need.

sold the x........went and got a 92 x with a manual tcase and manual hubs. this is a pic from the dealer i got it from...only paid $1600 for it

