Couple questions about after doing my inside. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Couple questions about after doing my inside.


Active Member
September 30, 2012
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City, State
Hillsboro Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac
So 8 days ago i brought home this 2001 explorer sport trac. I automatically started ordering new parts for it. I've already done the 3" body lift, the shackle kit, and the torsion twist on it. I still have to put my front and rear bumpers back on, but im lost on the brackets. Im sure i can figure it out.

But what my main question is, on the front of the truck i have the tow hooks, and right now they are hitting the bottom of the front bumper, do most of you just cut the section out where they go??

Also, on the rear of the truck, i've got the receiver hitch. Do you just bolt it back on in the stock location even though it will now be ~3" below the bumper?

I'd rather not lose my towing option if at all possible. I've even considered upgrading all the bolts on the rear bumper mount/receiver mount to a grade 8 just so i know they're strong enough...

as for pictures, here is what i started with 8 days ago...

Here she is this morning with the front bumper sitting on, you can see that the tow hooks are pushing the bottom of the bumper out right now...

And the last thing is, before i let you guys go. I know this question has been asked a million times im sure. But i cant find the correct wording to search for it.

My stock rims are what, 8" wide? I'd love to get a 315/75R16 or better yet a 345/75R16 tire (34.8 vs 36.4 inch tall tires) But im not sure that they will fit on my stock rims. And at this point i'd rather not order new rims...

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I also realize that for tires that large i will have to trim the cladding as well as the bumpers. No problem, because im actually wanting to build a set of plated steel bumpers for the front and rear. So that will allow for more clearance at the front and rear of vehicle, would still have to worry about the cladding in the middle though. No biggy!

Stock rims are 16x7. I think to properly fit a tire that size, youll have to et at least an 8" wide wheel.

As for the bumpers, yes, you have to cut out notches in both the metal and the plastic part of the front bumper. Check out this link. This is my photobucket and some pics another member (MidnightRebel) sent me to help me with cutting and trimming. Lift Stuff/
You can also search for my thread called body lift help because I had some problems with my bumpers fitting correctly also.

Also search for Offtracs trimming thread. Its something like "35 KM2s installed!"

265/75/16s are the largest Ive seen run on the stock rims

Thanks for the links man! I just got done reading up on offtrac's thread. The 35" KM2 are actually the exact tire im wanting to order. I guess i'll just have to man up and order a set of rims. I found a set of 16x9 I like, but they are 4.5" backspacing and from what i read on OT's thread thats too much. IIRC, they were saying to go with a 3.75 or less BS. But i think that was on an 8" rim, so i dont know if it would be the same number if going with a 9" rim...

No problem! You'll want between 3.75 and 4.25" BS on pretty much any rim. Both he and I run the 35" KM2s and we both love them. They also have great road manners which is uncommon in a mud terrain. We also both have them on 17" wheels except I think his are 9" wide and mine are 8.5. An 8-9" wide wheel with 3.75-4.25 BS is what you need. If nothing else you can get the larger BS and correct it with wheel spacers or adapter but it's best to get the correct measurements to begin with. Also a little tip, we run 1.5 wheel adapters on the back for a little more aggressive stance so that the front track isnt wider than the rear.

stock wheels are 16" diameter, 7" wide and 4.5" backspace. as for largest tire on the stock rim you can go over 265/75R16 but any wild manuver on the road will probably pop the bead and result in a roll over. i personally have add-a-leafs and torsion twist totaling 2" of lift plus the 265/75R16 giving me a grand total of 3-3.5" of lift this is rather significant to be honest.

I had 285 75 16's on stock wheels for a long time with no issues--


( note mag mount antenna dragging in mud)


Wheeled em at 18 psi in Colorado and never rolled a bead off.

You might " cut and flip" the trailer hitch to get it back up. Otherwise it will be a "hang up"

Awesome guys! thanks for all the help... after looking at the truck on my lunch break i think i've decided to just unbolt the recovery loops off the front of the truck. That way i dont have to cut my bumper right now, i plan on installing a westin bar (or something similar) in a month or so. So i would rather not cut it now, then have to cut it again later. Or find out that my cuts i made now dont work for the bar.

Im hung up on the darn rear bumper, i read the instructions about having to heat and flatten out the kit brackets, but after doing that i cant figure out how they bolt on there... Im sure if i sit back with a six pack of been i can figure it out. Just hasnt hit me yet.

The other problem im still having is the damn front body mounts by the radiator, i cant get the original bolts out. I know i read that you have to insert the new bolts from the bottom up to the top and then put a nut on. But i cant get the damn old bolts out!

stock wheels are 16" diameter, 7" wide and 4.5" backspace. as for largest tire on the stock rim you can go over 265/75R16 but any wild manuver on the road will probably pop the bead and result in a roll over. i personally have add-a-leafs and torsion twist totaling 2" of lift plus the 265/75R16 giving me a grand total of 3-3.5" of lift this is rather significant to be honest.

Right now, i've got a grand total lift amount of just shy of 5", and thats before bolting the new rims/tires on. I just dont know that 32-33 inch tires would look very good with that amount of lift... I was planning on slapping my 32's on this weekend, but then realized that they are on a 5x5.5 rim, not a 5x4.5 :( o well...

Thanks for the link man, im planning on building a swing out mounted on the rear bumper. Since i dont know that a full size 35" spare would fit back there. and even if it would, it would be a bear trying to get it out...

Turdle, just noticed your from here in kansas as well! any good places to wheel here in KS? I just got back from Montana/Wyoming wheeling with the inlaws and thats what drove me to get into this sport...

Always been more into fast mustangs then fun trucks... now i've got both. lol

y'all are great about pulling up links for folks when they mention they want to build something. Great forum here!!!

Thats the exact bumper mount thread i was looking at last week. I was going to add a few things to it like my jack holder and a gas can holder. things like that.

If you want to see the difference between 32s with that exact lift versus 35s with that lift, click on "My Registry" in my signature. Might answer some of your front bumper trimming questions for a brush guard/tow hooks as well.

I have 4.25" backspacing and that's the highest backspacing I've seen on a ST with a 12.5" wide tire. As 01STrunner mentioned, I also have a 1.5" spacer on the rear. I wouldn't risk spacers on the front with 35s, so getting a good backspacing is pretty important in my opinion. 4.5" might work but nobody's done it yet, that I know of. Everyone told me 4.25" would be too much. I took a chance and it worked.

Still haven't flipped the hitch but it's worked great as bumper protection so far.

Offtrac, your truck is actually what inspired me to lift mine. The night before i picked the truck up i google searched lifted green sport trac and found your thread. Even on those 265/75's that truck looks amazing!

I might swap the 32's i've got over onto my rims and run them for now until i get get some bigger rims/tires.

I saw you added a 1-1/2" spacers, did you do that front and rear? I know when you went to your KM2's you only had them on the rear, but wasnt sure when you were on the 265's...

Thanks for the compliments. This site is what came up when I was researching lifted Sport Tracs and it became an easy purchase after that...and even better, all the information I needed to do it was here as well.

I had all 4 on when I had the 32s. Probably wouldn't run spacers on a tire larger than that but those stock wheels with the 32 really wasn't all that heavy, at least compared to the 35s on steel wheels like I have now.

I'm actually going to be ordering new tires this winter and will most likely go with these:

Wow, those things are dirt cheap compared to most other tires that size?!

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Here's mine when I had 285's on my stockers with 1.5" spacers front and rear.


Get ahold of James at RLC Welding (site sponsor) in the vendor section, He does awesome work.

I fabricated my own swing out tire carrier with the factory bumper, I plan on building a steel rear bumper if I can ever get the time to (I have all the steel to make my bumper, sliders and exxo-skeleton) just no time.

This is how my Trac sits as of now...



As for the tow hooks you can cut out the bumper cover for them or use S-10 tow hooks and not cut the bumper cover.
