Road Trip v2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Road Trip v2


Active Member
August 22, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Monticello, MS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Explorer EB 4x4 4.0
Getting ready to take a 10 hour (round trip) road trip in the EB Ex. I'll be pulling my 21 ft Triton bass boat. 1st time pulling the boat with the Explorer. Interested to see what the gas mileage will be. We're going from Monticello, Ms to Lake Pickwick north of Iuka, Ms. We'll be going up the Natchez Trace Parkway. I'll be posting updates...

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Sorry for the delay in the update. I forgot that I started this post.:scratch:
Anyway...We had a great time. 600 mile round trip pulling the boat with the Explorer. All went well, no problems. We averaged 14.2 mpg. Better than I thought it would get.

Here's a picture...


Very Nice

Nice set up, too shiny :)

So I just got my Explorer in October. I heard of some issues with U-Haul not renting trailers to us because of the roll-over bull poop. Anyone know anything about this? Does Penske or Ryder care?

Sweet rig, 4df150! How did the boat run? We have a Triton as well, but it doesn't get very much attention, sadly.

So I just got my Explorer in October. I heard of some issues with U-Haul not renting trailers to us because of the roll-over bull poop. Anyone know anything about this? Does Penske or Ryder care?

U-Haul won't because they say the liability insurance is too "high" or something like that. You could tell them you have a Mountaineer. They only care if it's an Explorer. Penske and Ryder should rent you trailers without a problem as far as I know.

Sweet rig, 4df150! How did the boat run? We have a Triton as well, but it doesn't get very much attention, sadly.

The Triton runs great..My best speed is 72 mph with a 25 inch pitch prop. I've got a 26 inch prop to try now the weather has turned cooler.



Very cool, and great pictures!
