What goes here? Center console. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What goes here? Center console.


Well-Known Member
December 29, 2012
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Wichita, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Ram 1500 Laramie
There's a hole that looks like it's for an emergency brake. Anything supposed to go in there? How about the small holes just under the console lid? All visible in this image:


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They used to make a box of "kleenex juniors" sized to fit into the coin holder box. Pull it straight out and you will see a tray--this is where the kleenex box would fit, the slit was the "dispenser"

Some use the space for a CB radio or a gun holster--:D

I think you can still get the kleenex juniors in rare places, or buy em by the case


Haha! That's hilarious. I think I'm going to try to avoid paying $50 of Kleenex's. I don't really need a life time's supposedly at the moment. :D

Any idea about the two small holes just under the lid?

Haha! That's hilarious. I think I'm going to try to avoid paying $50 of Kleenex's. I don't really need a life time's supposedly at the moment. :D

Any idea about the two small holes just under the lid?

i think you talking about the 2 holes that the change dispenser pins locate into.

I just pulled the CD changer out. It didn't go there. The coin holder / tissue holder tray is in front of it and the holes are under and forward of the coin holder.

It almost looks like a cup holder could fold out there.

Mine has a 12V plug in the console; I only have one hole and it's to run the charger cord out.

Hey, don't laugh about the tissue holder. And, you don't need to buy Kleenex to fit there. It is a perfect place to store all the extra napkins from fast food restaurants.

Can't even remember the last time mine was actually used to hold tissue or even coins. About a year ago I decided that slot would be the perfect location to mount the horn ring button for my Whelen air horn since I was keeping the factory horn in.

When I removed the tray to do the install, I found several dollars (greenbacks) under there as well as receipts, some from over 10 years ago. Apparently stuff that had slid out from the center console.

I actually know what those gaps are for under the lid. My old '97 Limited had a phone that was built into the center console. It would fold into the empty space next to the CD changer. When you wanted to use it (I never did), you would flip it out on the metal frame the phone was mounted on and it would extend out to approximately where the cup holders are. The phone bracket/swivel frame thing, would rest in those gaps so that you could close the lid on the console. Though I never used it it was kinda cool in a Bosley (Charlie's Angel's) kind of way. It used the car audio system, so your tunes would cut out and you could hear the caller on your speakers. Also, there was a small microphone built into the driver's pillar. Hands free at it's finest.

Ahha! That explains the mute button on the original radio and the phone jack I found yesterday hidden in front of the Kleenex tray!

I'm going to out some napkins in the tray now that I know why it's there. Much better than in the console storage area. :)

Cell phones were hard to find in 1997 and 1998. In very surprised the Explorer had features for cell phones.

The Kleenex boxes are available at Walmart.....at least they are in Texas.

i stick my air freshers in the tissue space, but fast food napkins is a good idea too.
