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what is a sport trac?


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April 15, 2012
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Hanover PA
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01 Explorer Sport trac
Is the sport trac a truck or not?

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Is the sport trac a truck or not?

I would say it is. The box is separate from the cab like full size trucks. unlike a honda ridgeline or like an avalanche which i do not considering trucks

Quad cab mini truck, basically. Seperate bed from cab, body on frame, solid rear axle, same suspension as a Ranger.

I also have to register and plate it as a truck in Indiana, as opposed to a regular passenger vehicle like the regular Explorers. Then again, Indiana considers the El Camino a truck too, haha.

Ask U-Haul. ;) Wikipedia says Sport Utility Truck. (SUT)

Well see the only reason i ask this is because i live in PA an just got my truck inspected an i noticed on my registration it says truck but every other truck i see in PA all have Truck printed in the middle bottom of the license plate

Just curious is all... Anyone live in PA that has a truck tag?

The ranger is a truck. Tracs I feel are a truck. The reason spin offs of SUV came around was do to taking a SUV and chop topping the rear into a bed thereby making an SUT think hummer H2 SUT where the bed is molded in with body and it really is the factory H2 cab with an extension and a wall right behind the back seats.

So to recap f-series=truck, ranger=truck, trac= truck, ridge line avalanche H2SUT=SUT



Bottom of you pick says you live in PA

Do you have a "Truck " Tag on the bottom of your plate?

Yep, our Trac's are "truck's" atleast as far as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is concerned. When I bought my trac back in '05 the dealer originally put a car plate on it and called me back in a week later to put a truck plate on it instead. They didn't realize the Trac was a truck and not a "Station Wagon" like the Explorer and Mountaineer's are considered in Pa.. My old Mountaineer was plated as a "car".

This says "truck"...

This shows it...




Odd I do not have a truck tag

Guess I cant get in trouble lol

Actually you can get in big trouble for having a non-matching plate on your vehicle. You might want to go to where you bought the Trac from or got the plate from and get them to fix it. ASAP!!!

Well i have been riding with just a regular tag prolly for 6 months an this was the first time i had to get it inspected an the inspector was the one who brought it to my attention

Mine was tagged as a Passenger vehicle thus not subject to the truck weight laws.

In the "Commonwealth of Pa." if it has a bed than it's a truck. I asked my buddy at the DMV and my neighbor who has been inspecting vehicles in Pa. for over 35 years and they both said it has to have a truck plate. This varies state to state. The Trac doesn't require a weight class sticker, too small but does need a truck plate.

For the states that separate truck and cars a trac is slated as a truck. According to the link I posted wiki states a truck is a floating body on frame with a separated open cargo area "bed" so I say truck

For instance in South Dakota trucks and cars use the same plate and you pay according to the GVRW.

In Illinois my home state tracs are trucks

Definitely a truck - the separate bed seals it IMO.

Rancheros - no separate bed and built on a car frame - are trucks in Iowa. Saved me a ton of $$ to license it. Pickup plates used to be $35, then $45, a year, where as car plates would have been 3-4 times that. They changed the truck licensing several years ago to reflect the fact most pickups are now owned by suburbanites, not farmers.

What about the early '60s F Series unibody trucks? A bed is a bed, separate or not. Open bed = truck, but then there were the panel trucks of the '50s and earlier.

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we get gas mileage like a truck so yes :D. plus it comes in 2wd and 4x4 not awd like ridgelines and claiming to be 4wd.
