Leaf Spring Woes (with a V8) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Leaf Spring Woes (with a V8)

Danny, here are a few pictures, and i took one of the bracket on the axle just in case that would help in any way. Do you need measurements?





No, that's not blood in the 2nd pic.

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Crap..so I read this thread and then I had to go out to the garage 12:45 in the morning to see if my 01 has those traction bars. I have never noticed them,but they are there..lol.

This will be a double post but wanted you all to know ford does carry the bar with bushings. They run $49.62 a piece. .not bad for the stealership!!.

If I don't have these traction bars (2000 4.0 SOHC) but want them, is that possible? I know the 5th shock is supposed to help with axle wrap, but for some reason I feel this would be better.

If I don't have these traction bars (2000 4.0 SOHC) but want them, is that possible? I know the 5th shock is supposed to help with axle wrap, but for some reason I feel this would be better.

You would need to weld tabs on the axle.the bars and frame brackets are all bolt on.they also make aftermarket ones

Thanks JD, would you have a link to an aftermarket traction bar that would fit my application? I know some welders and a good shop who could fab and install axle tabs fairly easily.

Thanks JD, would you have a link to an aftermarket traction bar that would fit my application? I know some welders and a good shop who could fab and install axle tabs fairly easily.

I would just go to the junk yard and pull some stock ones.I'm running the 8.8 in my ranger so I had to cut a set of tabs out on the plasma table and weld them on inward some;)fyi sohc sports came with them also

