Unleashed Explorer Sport Power Package Stage 1 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Unleashed Explorer Sport Power Package Stage 1


Well-Known Member
March 4, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Phoenix, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Flex Ecoboost
To make it easier for you guys we put together a performance package including:

Airaid CAI - updated with latest weatherstrip
SCT X4 Tuner with 3 custom tunes from Torrie@Unleashed with free option for unlimited tune updates via mail, just data log for a tune tailored for YOUR vehicle.
170 degree thermostat
Pre-gapped Autolite spark plugs
Optional 3 bar MAP sensor

$850 shipped! (+$60 for 3 bar MAP sensor)

Use Airaid's $50 WTF rebate as well for even more savings!


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I have an x4 with an unleashed tune already. I understand the benefits of the new intake and plan on ordering one from your website.

Can you explain how I would benefit from the 3 bar map sensor, 170 degree tstat and regapped plugs?

3 bar map sensor means you can tune for additional boost, 170 degree t-stat allows coolant to stay cooler as fans turn on earlier and it opens earlier. Regapped 1 range colder plugs help with less detonation as they don't burn as "hot", you're raising power levels which creates additional cylinder temps. Regapped is so the spark doesn't get blown out from additional boost - spark has to jump a smaller gap.

Thanks for the response, I will be ordering up some items in the next few days.

I know Torrie offers free tune updates, if I order the 3 bar map sensor and intake will I require a different tune?

How noticeable is the intake sound? I'd like to add this to my wife's Sport, but it would need to be pretty incognito (the open intake on my S4 is LOUD).

Thanks for the response, I will be ordering up some items in the next few days.

I know Torrie offers free tune updates, if I order the 3 bar map sensor and intake will I require a different tune?
Yes, you'll have to get a tune update to even start your car with a 3 bar map sensor.

How noticeable is the intake sound? I'd like to add this to my wife's Sport, but it would need to be pretty incognito (the open intake on my S4 is LOUD).

It's about 20% louder, you can hear it at WOT but not so much at regular throttle tip in.

I wish my wife was a "spirited" driver, then some of this would make sense. I doubt she goes above 2.5k rpm on her daily drive, ever. Maybe it's better this way.

Mike, thanks for looking after our cars, I'll keep these mods in the front of my mind.

Yes, you'll have to get a tune update to even start your car with a 3 bar map sensor.

It's about 20% louder, you can hear it at WOT but not so much at regular throttle tip in.

Thanks for the reply. Is the 3 bar map sensor needed if we plan to only go with this particular setup? Is there enough boost and fueling to need it at this level?

By my calculations, if it makes more than around 14.5 psi, it may be needed (ambient is around 14.5 psi here, 2 bars is right at 29 psi....). If possible, I'd like to maintain the ability to go back to stock fairly easily, and not have to swap the map sensor when doing so (I don't see the tstat or plugs being an issue).

It's not a requirement for 3 bar but you can go above 15psi or so, changing the MAP sensor is literally about 1 minute's work. :)

I wish my wife was a "spirited" driver, then some of this would make sense. I doubt she goes above 2.5k rpm on her daily drive, ever. Maybe it's better this way.

Mike, thanks for looking after our cars, I'll keep these mods in the front of my mind.

No doubt my wife is not a spirited driver. This upgrade would be for me.... I usually drive it when we go on road trips, or if we go somewhere together. In 10 months we have put 21k miles on it, and I've probably done 8k of that. I'd also like to take it to the drag strip just to see what it could do. I've been doing that with my S4's recently, and enjoyed it quite a bit.

It's not a requirement for 3 bar but you can go above 15psi or so, changing the MAP sensor is literally about 1 minute's work. :)

Ok, good enough then. Thanks again. For $60 or whatever it is, I'll probably go with it just for the extra safety margin. I wish Audi parts were this cheap. I paid $4500 for my tune, pulley, intake, and coolant system for what probably equates to similar gains.... Crazy.

It's not a requirement for 3 bar but you can go above 15psi or so, changing the MAP sensor is literally about 1 minute's work. :)

I'm trying to justify getting one of these, so here's a summary of what I've read. Pls correct me if I'm wrong..

After I get a 3 bar MAP, I can't just go to Livernois, Lund or Unleashed and ask for a 15+ psi boost tune (with basic mods), right? At least probably not without additional fuel delivery mods. So a 3 bar with basic mods is only beneficial for "just in case" situations where your boost may spike over 14.5, to help with a/f and timing. Correct? And how often do these boost spikes happen? Will performance suffer without a 3 bar MAP sensor?

tl;dr version: Is a 3 bar really needed for those with basic mods (intake, exhaust, tstat)?

You will be just fine on a 2 bar map until you want to go more power/meth etc.

Maybe a silly question - does it make sense to start with this or exhaust first? I want to do nicer exhaust system BUT I sort of want to wait to see how this "Bad smell on Accell" crap plays out with ford and don't want to screw up the chance of a fix for that if I have an aftermarket exhaust - so I may hold off on that until I am out of warrenty which at this rate will be at the end of next year... @ 17k miles and havent had the car a freagin year yet!

This will make much more power than an exhaust :)

This will make much more power than an exhaust :)

How much for just plugs? You don't seem to list them as a separate item in your store anywhere. I'm at 60k miles and experiencing some blow out on the stock plugs (livernois tune).

Thanks Mike!

Will I void the warranty with this kit? We just bought a '14 sport with 50 miles for the wife and if hate to mess up the warranty on her brand new car

How difficult is it to change plugs on this 3.5?

Will I void the warranty with this kit? We just bought a '14 sport with 50 miles for the wife and if hate to mess up the warranty on her brand new car
Kind of....
If you blow your motor (very very small chance of happening) they will dig into your ECU to see if it has been modified, if so they can stop from covering a new motor. I've known some truck guys who were tuned and popped their motor and got them covered. It's of course a chance that you could blow your motor and they won't cover it however.

How much for just plugs? You don't seem to list them as a separate item in your store anywhere. I'm at 60k miles and experiencing some blow out on the stock plugs (livernois tune).

Thanks Mike!

I haven't had a chance to put them up on the site, I'll have to figure out how much for them by themselves.

How difficult is it to change plugs on this 3.5?
The fronts are super easy, just have to learn to rotate the coil on the plug and use the valve cover to raise the coil up and off the plug.
The backs is easiest with an air ratchet so you don't have to turn it. I always just removed the rear turbo pipe for easy access, seams like a PITA but I got pretty good at it after awhile. :)

Sorry guys I'm super slammed with some things happening with the business. For now I would just purchase the plugs on Summit or directly from local Auto Zone or Checker for $6.99 a plug and gap to .028 or .030 whichever you are most comfortable with.

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I know mods like this are meant for power adders and I want the extra power but what king of impact to mpg would there be with these mods if driving normally and not flooring it all over to have fun with the new power/reponsiveness?

What kind of mpg impacts would just the tune have (normal tune, not an economy tune) if driven lightly?
