Anyone have an electric fan on their 5.0 explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone have an electric fan on their 5.0 explorer?


Active Member
January 3, 2013
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2000 Exploder
I am considering the swap, but i honestly have no idea what would be involved in the swap and what parts would fit.
Does anyone know of a write up somewhere on this swap?
Any info would be really appreciated!

My truck is the 2000 awd 5.0 model if that helps at all.

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There isn't a lot of room up front for this.
I have one installed.

I didn't do the fan install myself, but I think its something like a flexalite fan using the straps that go thru the radiator to pull it tight against the rad. Im sure you could find a fan at a auto yard and trim it as required to fit, then use straps thru the rad fins to pull It tight against the rad. I'd never used these straps before (I was a non believer in them before), but they do seem to work very well.

For the controller, its dccontrol unit.

I have had no cooling issues at all. Its been a perfectly reliable setup.

You can do this on the cheap from the scrap yard. Grab a Mustang fan, they're pretty damn big and not too deep, and then get one of those radiator probe temperature sensors and stuff it in the radiator. Just make sure you monitor engine temps though all the time to be sure what you did is cooling properly like the factory setup would have.

There are of course other ways to do this that are "better" but they cost a lot more money.

Thanks for all the info guys. I need to do a lot more research before i dive into this project.
Especially on the controller for the fans.

I went a little crazy with mine. but I used a 2000 mercury couger fan. its duel fan with duel speed. then I used a temp switch from a 96 bmw 128i. and two speed controler from a volvo. im going to try and do a write up on it very soon. but the nice thig aboit my set up is at 180° it comes on at low speed so its easy on the electronics. and 195° high speed. and the fans clear the water pump with lots of room.

Oh damn man. That sounds like an awesome setup! I would love to read your write up!
My fan clutch is starting to seize up so i need to make some sort of decision soon.



here is a couple of pics to ponder at!

Looks great! Seems to have tons of room still.

Looks like i narrowed it down to the contour fans or the flex-a-lite fan (though i am worried i wont be able to make the flexalite fit) but those damn fan controllers are still black magic to me. No clue how they hook up. I would rather not use a probe in the radiator. It seems like that would get a lot of ambient air that will mess with the temp reading...

Haha that does clear things up quite a bit. Thank you! :)

then this is the Volvo controller. Everything you need I got for 40 buck at pick N pull

You sell these components??
what's included in the $40? Seems like a great price!

I may have miss understood your post lol.

I found the volvo controller on ebay i think, but the bmw temp sensor i saw a few different types.
Do you have a part number or a link to the specific sensor you used?
If I do this mod, I want to go with a tried out setup/method to try and avoid any potential issues down the line...
You mention an ignition relay on your drawing? Any more info on that?
Sorry if any of these seem like stupid questions, but i honestly have no idea about any of this stuff.
replacing parts or upgrading parts i can do, but when it comes to piecing things together like this, i am affraid of screwing things up lol.
Thanks for all the info and the help!

I have narrowed it down some..

BMW 2 Temp Switch: 195F/210F
RockAuto: 61311378073
Standard Motor Products: TS296

BMW 2 Temp Switch: 176F/190F
RockAuto: 61318361787
Standard Motor Products: TS546

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61318361787 this is the one I used. It's for a 318i not 128. But when I got it. It was bad. They both came on at the same time. So I just grabbed one from the junkyard. And work perfect
