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WTF is this?


New Member
September 3, 2015
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City, State
Clearwater florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 explorer eddie bauer


what is this? It is attached to the sending unit wires coming from my fuel pump.. can it be removed? i took it off of my old pump and hooked it back up and my fuel gauge started working. but the one in the tank still has this attached and the gauge isn't working. so i want to know if i can remove it or if it has to be there and why it would directly affect my gas gauge..

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That looks to be a capacitor to smooth the fuel gauge signal so it isn't spastic. Not sure though.

All I know, is it looks like you have two left hands.

And that part # comes up with fuel gauge issues.

I think it is a tracking unit that the CIA and Homeland Security uses to track your every move!!!!!!!!:D
Bob T

Yeah that's what I am having. Can I bypass it? If I do that my gauge works but not with it. I used my old fuel pump to test it to see if it worked. And it did but I want to make sure it's ok to remover it before I do.
