Custom Front Bumper Advice? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Custom Front Bumper Advice?


New Member
April 22, 2015
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Long Island, NY
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2000 Ford Explorer V8
To start off I've been reading this forums a lot ever since I got the explorer 3 years ago. I've learned a lot but I have a couple questions now.

So this past weekend I got into a little fender bender and I am less than pleased on how my Ex performed in this relatively minor crash. The plastic bumper cover was ripped because the NY state trooper said if I don't he will tow it but you get the point.

There's the photo of the truck the bumper fender and headlight will have to be fixed. But in this I'm just talking about the bumper. As you can see it gave out pretty easy. The bracket actually folded back as you can see in this next photo

What I plan on doing is building a very large steel off road bumper on it. Essentially to avoid what happened here. This bumper will consist of tow hooks aswell. The question I have is, will these silly brackets that are made to crumble be able to withstand the force of pulling the weight it may encounter? Or would I be better off fabbing up some new heavy brackets that won't fold the second it taps something. Does anybody have any advice on this? I know it was a long read lol. Thank you.

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Take those brackets and cut them off. That will leave you with an open rectangular beam in which to attach your bumper.

Or for ease of installation and removal, recreate those brackets with a flat plate some serious gussets back to the frame.

That's what I was thinking too, I was even thinking going as far as adding another crossmember to attach it to. Maybe this is over kill but I'm looking for a really strong bumper, especially since I do a good deal of beach driving and may need to tow.

Take those brackets and cut them off. That will leave you with an open rectangular beam in which to attach your bumper.

Or for ease of installation and removal, recreate those brackets with a flat plate some serious gussets back to the frame.

That would work, but if you hit something hard the force would be transfered right back to the frame and might damage it.

The other thing to consider is the affect it will have on the airbag operation.

RLC welding

That would work, but if you hit something hard the force would be transfered right back to the frame and might damage it.

The other thing to consider is the affect it will have on the airbag operation.


That stuff is designed to bend and break as you see. It's to protect the passengers from a hard impact and absorb it. It will also help prevent frame damage so that in low speed accidents like you've had, you just have to replace a bumper instead of totaling the truck due to a bent frame.

Guess how you install the RLC bumper...... you cut off those end horns.

And for extra credit: how does an ARB bumper install (not to an Explorer obviously)?

Want proof?
Tell me: how are you going to bolt that RLC bumper to the end horns? That's one hell of an adapter (that isn't included).

The idea with a plate steel bumper is to stiffen the frame up and protect it with something that doesn't bend. If you hit something hard enough to bend your frame with a plate steel bumper- that flimsy stock bumper and bumper attachment would be lodged somewhere between your crankshaft pulley and power steering pump pulley.

And for extra credit: how does an ARB bumper install (not to an Explorer obviously)?


I have an ARB bullbar on my Ex. It's not here at the moment so I can't take any pics of how it's mounted.

Here's a pic of it.

I get the purpose behind those brackets bending, I really don't plan on hitting much more, also it's going to be a second car soon anyway just for the beach, snow, and offroad, as I'm going to be commuting heavily. I may wind up just fixing it back to stock for now. I have to do some cost weighing also, the RLC and a new stock bumper looks to be similar and I like the look of the RLC. Thanks for all of the suggestions.

I like that ARB by the way, Is that specifically for the Ex? I usually have access to them from work but I haven't seen anything for the Ex.

I like that ARB by the way, Is that specifically for the Ex? I usually have access to them from work but I haven't seen anything for the Ex.

Was that question for me?

If so, yes, that bar is specially made for the Ex. I've seen a few around.
IMO it's much better than the OEM one which I think is a dealer option not a Ford option.

I'm in Australia, maybe you don't get them there?


Did anyone ever try to fit ARB bumper from another truck? U used to have a copy of an ARB bumper on my first gen... sold the truck - regret it ever since.


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When i bought my Mounty someone had already cut off the horns and a good chunk of the frame. I ended up putting a stock bumper back on. Here is a picture of the new mounting plates I built and what wa there before. I didn't gusset them because I was in the mindset that they should bend if there was an accident


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To start off I've been reading this forums a lot ever since I got the explorer 3 years ago. I've learned a lot but I have a couple questions now.

So this past weekend I got into a little fender bender and I am less than pleased on how my Ex performed in this relatively minor crash. The plastic bumper cover was ripped because the NY state trooper said if I don't he will tow it but you get the point.

There's the photo of the truck the bumper fender and headlight will have to be fixed. But in this I'm just talking about the bumper. As you can see it gave out pretty easy. The bracket actually folded back as you can see in this next photo

What I plan on doing is building a very large steel off road bumper on it. Essentially to avoid what happened here. This bumper will consist of tow hooks aswell. The question I have is, will these silly brackets that are made to crumble be able to withstand the force of pulling the weight it may encounter? Or would I be better off fabbing up some new heavy brackets that won't fold the second it taps something. Does anybody have any advice on this? I know it was a long read lol. Thank you.

I ALSO recommend James at RLCWELDFAB you will not be disappointed nor will you find a custom bumper cheaper!


Anyone know if there is a decent alternative bumper cover that dosent have the fog light part?

Hello Mike,

Thanks for the email, sorry to say we never offered a Ford Explorer bumper for the USA/North American trucks.
In Australia we offered a Ford Courier bar which is similar but different, we tried fitting one of the Courier bars to an employees 2001 Explorer without any luck.
You could probably custom fit one of our bumpers, however our standard corporate answer is to NEVER custom fit an ARB bumper to any vehicle with an SRS airbag system.

From ARB to me, figured I'd post to inform others

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Do you mean the plastics that covers the metal bumper?

Ya the piece that had the fog lights. I guess if I cant find something I'll have to fab something myself and plasticote it. The empty fog lights is buggin me.
