opening up factory header/manifold on 5.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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opening up factory header/manifold on 5.0


Well-Known Member
August 11, 2012
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canyon tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 explorer 5.0 4x4 5spd
So has anyone dared to try this? Was my Q and not that I could find so here I go I am in the process of modifying and opening up the factory headers/ manifolds for my explorer, I will post some pics latter today.

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So what I did was weld the tubes to the flanges on the out side to add stringth and used a carbide bit to remove matereal from the inside. This is what I have done so far. There still closed off a bit but are open twice as much as they were and I gasket machete it and smoothing it out so there's no ruff edges, this may not do much for performance but they should flowe a bit better.

Ok so here's more pics, I finally finished it today and can say you can feel a difference.

Nice work..............would be very curious to see some performance comparisons like dyno or track times............headers are f'n retarded expensive for these wife wants to hop hers up a little but the TM header prices kill me and good luck finding old FMS ones...........

Those things make me cringe. I feel blessed to have a set of TM on mine. I refused to put those piles of crap back on my truck after my engine rebuild.

Nice to know that worked though, hopefully they don't crack on you because of the more thin metal right at the head now.

It looks like your pictures are all broken. I'm really curious to see how this came out. I need to address headers somehow and it looks like TMH and OBX are unobtainable.

It looks like your pictures are all broken. I'm really curious to see how this came out. I need to address headers somehow and it looks like TMH and OBX are unobtainable.
I'll see if I can find them and repost, I was able to open them up quiet a bit.

It looks like your pictures are all broken. I'm really curious to see how this came out. I need to address headers somehow and it looks like TMH and OBX are unobtainable.
Here is a link to my photo bucket all my pics are in there.

Here is a link to my photo bucket all my pics are in there.

I looked in the above link, but do not see any pictures of headers during this process.

Go to each picture, and then click the "direct link" option, it will be copied so you can paste it into a post back here. I'd like to see what you did and also, how well did it work out?

OK here we go.


Most are of when I was still cleaning them up, I did notice a difference in power and a touch in mpg. It also fixed the ticking sound you get with the factory manifolds.

Ah I see. I was thinking you were able to open up all the crushed tubes. It's amazing how just porting was able to make a noticeable difference.

Ah I see. I was thinking you were able to open up all the crushed tubes. It's amazing how just porting was able to make a noticeable difference.
I was going to try to do the tubes but then the bolts won't go in.

I think that's why aftermarket headers needs studs.
