Broken lower control arm | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Broken lower control arm


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I'm posting this for a friend of a friend...

My friend Chris took the photo and passed the story on to me. The Explorer has 4600 miles and has never been off pavement. The control arm broke on the highway. This was on a 2013.


  • fifthgen_control_arm.jpg
    103.6 KB · Views: 1,047

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That couldn't have ended well. Its weird the tierod isn't broken, almost looks like the bolt backed off and the tierod fell out of the spindle.

Ouch! I'm thinking there has to be more to this story!?

That couldn't have ended well. Its weird the tierod isn't broken, almost looks like the bolt backed off and the tierod fell out of the spindle.

I believe that nut was removed after the fact.

This is actually the 2nd Explorer I've seen this on. The first was placed in our Photo Thread, with no explanation...



Wow, not sure what all caused this, but if it just broke, it needs to be reported to NHTSA without regards Plum

That looks like it hit or ran over something something in the road......

Those are 2 different cars, with the very same "break".

You should be able to hit something in the road without worrying about dying. A hit hard enough to break a control arm should damage a wheel, --body panel, something.

I bet we haven't seen the last of this. If I had a 5th gen I would be checking the control arms out. Clearly a design defect.

I didn’t think I would find this but I also knew I was not crazy. I had just made a turn going no more than 5 miles and hour when I felt a thump lost control of the vehicle I thought I had a flat come out to investigate and found this. 2013 Ford Explorer now what?



Welcome to the forum!

Fortunately you were not traveling at highway speed.

The results could have really been bad.

Did you happen to get the extended warranty?

Yes, this could have gone real bad.

From what I see, and you are lucky because it looks worse than it actually is IMO

Rockauto has the new right side lower control arm for 81.00 motorcraft brand
Right side cv axle half shaft for 131.00 ( awd and 2wd are close in price)
Right side sway bar link 21.00 for an improved Moog design.
You might need a new front strut also.

I'd deal with the cv axle first, remove the axle nut and the cv axle is out-
side the new one into it's place,
then bolt in the lower control arm , and attach the new ball joint last, after removing the old broken one
then deal with the swaybar link.
Drive directly to an alignment shop.

How common is this? Seems like I have seen this before-

its like the metal around the lower ball joint isn't sufficient :eek:. Have you owned it since new and has there ever been any damage to the right front previously?

Welcome to the forum!

Fortunately you were not traveling at highway speed.

The results could have really been bad.

Did you happen to get the extended warranty?
Welcome to the forum!

Fortunately you were not traveling at highway speed.

The results could have really been bad.

Did you happen to get the extended warranty?
I know tow truck driver told me how bad things could have been. i didn’t get the extended warramty

Yes, this could have gone real bad.

From what I see, and you are lucky because it looks worse than it actually is IMO

Rockauto has the new right side lower control arm for 81.00 motorcraft brand
Right side cv axle half shaft for 131.00 ( awd and 2wd are close in price)
Right side sway bar link 21.00 for an improved Moog design.
You might need a new front strut also.

I'd deal with the cv axle first, remove the axle nut and the cv axle is out-
side the new one into it's place,
then bolt in the lower control arm , and attach the new ball joint last, after removing the old broken one
then deal with the swaybar link.
Drive directly to an alignment shop.

How common is this? Seems like I have seen this before-
Seems too common for this to just snap in half. I kept being asked what I hit for it to crack that way...nothIng it just snapped i had it towed directly to the dealer

its like the metal around the lower ball joint isn't sufficient :eek:. Have you owned it since new and has there ever been any damage to the right front previously?
No damage, pre-owned just in awe!! I searched it up and it’s happed to a few vehicles all different years .

Thanks for the input!!

No problem.

Being a 2013 I have never seen any other reports of this happening.

Hopefully just a casting flaw, it happens.

Being pre-ownend who know what it's past life was.

The main thing is, you are safe and not much damage was done.

No damage, pre-owned just in awe!! I searched it up and it’s happed to a few vehicles all different years .

How many miles?

Welcome to the Forum Mory.:wave:
Glad that no one was hurt when this happened. There are other posts on bad bushings but none that stood out on broken control arms.
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Seems it is a right lower control arm problem to me. @Mory could you please take a close up picture of the break , both pieces.

also, I would clean that broken arm up real good. expose all the paint to show there is not other impact type damage. Also, do not let that broken part leave your possession. Even if the mighty ford asks for it back to do some "testing" I would keep it in a safe place.
