Researching shocks for 2-3" lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Researching shocks for 2-3" lift


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April 25, 2000
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2008 JK
Hey all,
Firstly, a search on this topic would bring up way too many hits, I tried ;)

Anyway, Splat currenly has about 2" of lift, and is going to have about 2.5-3" soon. I am currently running the stock replacement Gabriel VSTs and they're a bit too short. Also, I bent one in Moab so need replacements anyway. I contacted Gabriel and they don't have any suitable shocks for the lift, so they're out. Too bad, as they're extremely good shocks for the money.

I was interested in the James Duff shocks, but have heard that they're too short, even the 2" lift ones. Do they make 3-4" lift shocks for the Explorer?

I really want to keep the cost down below $35/shock. Is this possible? This puts Ranchos, Bilsteins, etc out of the picture. Or, should I just suck it up and get some Ranchos? hmmmmm.

Thanks for the help!

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For my truck, I used the stock length Gabriel's like you have, but put a 3" "H" bar shock extender on the rear shocks to give me the extra travel. I got it from A&A Auto Parts (PA Chain) and it ran about $15/pair. The only problem I encountered is that the bolts that come with them are cheap and snapped while I was installing them !:mad: I replaced them with grade 8 bolts from the local hardware store. I've run like this off road several times with the swaybars disconnected, and they have worked perfectly. You can also get extenders for the front for under $15 from most auto parts stores.

I have a set of rear (2) 4" lifted superlift shocks new in box that I am trying to let go of real cheap. You are 2 wheel drive too right? I have 2 RS9000's for the front that are 2" longer than stock and allow a lot of movement. The have about 4K miles on them and a cople scratches and rust spots but I would let them go for a resonable price too. Just think all four could be yours!:D

PS rancho shocks are lifetime warrenty and I hear all you have to do is go somewhere that sells them and swap them out for new ones.

4 wheel parts is running a special on rancho rs9000's and rsx's buy 3 get the fourth for free. so you can get 4 rsx's for 150 bucks or 4 rs9000's for 195 bucks. i am about to get the rsx's. they are self adjusting and i hear they are great. just a thought

That special is rancho special so everyone has it. Find the cheapest place to buy them.

Taxxman, will the 4" superlift shocks be too long for 2.5" of rear lift?

The ranchos would be perfect. how much do you want for all 4 and shipping to CA, assuming the superlifts will work? Yes, 2wd.

I will measure the 4" shocks at full compression and full out and see what they are and we can go from there.

As for the RS9000 I asked about two wheel drive because with a 4x4 the CV shafts are in the way these shocks will work on a 2wd no problemo.

How bout $30 each for the Ranchos and $20 for the superlift(if we decide they will work). Shipping shouldn't be too bad if we do ground. I will try to get a guesstimate on the shipping tonight.

ok, that's about the price that I was thinking, though $25 ea for the rancho's :) I can get you some measurements and an addy tomorrow. The shipping is to San Diego, CA.

shock is dirty but you can see the mounts: (I will clean it up before shipping).


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Originally posted by taxxman2k
PS rancho shocks are lifetime warrenty and I hear all you have to do is go somewhere that sells them and swap them out for new ones.

Nope, I have 12 bad ranchos in my backyard that I tried to exchange a few at a time and everyone asked for a receipt.

You are the first I have heard has that problem. They are still damn good shocks.

Did you try calling Rancho and asking how to go about it?

You don't spend lotsa money for new shocks, you spend $5 bucks a pair for shock extenders.

Available at Pep Boys. They are evidently not restocking them so move fast. The Gabriels have GM threads so buy those, not the Ford threads. You can keep the VSTs, install the extenders, and still get extended performance with the shocks you prefer.

I was deep down wanting Rancho 9000 adjustables, so I'll try Taxxman's out. If I don't like the superlifts in the rear I'll get some extenders. But the Gabriels have 35k+ on them anyway. Thanks everyone for the help.

Originally posted by taxxman2k
You are the first I have heard has that problem. They are still damn good shocks.
Did you try calling Rancho and asking how to go about it?
I havent called them yet but the thing is I never bought them myself. My friend gave them to me. Ranchos are a good shock and in fact I will be getting some for the front soon, then I will have a receipt :D

Originally posted by taxxman2k
shock is dirty but you can see the mounts: (I will clean it up before shipping).

Did u get the right part shock for the front? I have ranchos in the front also but have my shock has an extension from the A-arm so that the shock won't hit anything.

That one works well if you move the CV boot a little, it is longer than stock. So it would work great on a 2wd.
