2013 Explorer front seat removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Explorer front seat removal

Mark horn

New Member
March 19, 2018
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Dallas tx
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ford Explorer xlt
the seat motor went out on my driver side seat
Anyone have info on how to remove the front driver side seat?

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Should be pretty straight forward. Four bolts hold it to the floor and a few connectors. If you can get it all the way to the back it makes the front bolts easier to get to if not then either the front or back bolts will cause you a lot of problems, just because you can only get a wrench on it and turn it a little at a time. If you look at it you will be surprised how easy it is.

I can get the front bolts no problem. There are no bolts in the back. There is a bar and it looks like it is connected under on the side. looks like I might have to remove the seat belt trim cover. The other side looks extremely more difficult. The bar runs under the center console.

the seat motor went out on my driver side seat
Anyone have info on how to remove the front driver side seat?
Welcome to the Forum Mark.:wave:


Still having problems. This is the driver seat
There are no bolts in the back maybe some torque screws? I cannot find what should be a simple solution to remove the seat

I compared to the passenger side. That side has 4 bolts but not driver side

Just looked at Youtube and found this video. It looks like the seat just pops off at the bar. Or you can take the entire bar out by removing the bolts that hold it down. The video is kind of stupid at first but he does get into how to remove it.

Yep - I removed both my seats a few weeks ago to remove the wiring that was under there for the built in headrest monitors. There is a bracket that is bolted to the frame that you can't access the bolts to, but the seat itself just sits on top of that bracket and as far as I recall, there are no bolts you need to remove - just the fronts.

I can get the front bolts no problem. There are no bolts in the back. There is a bar and it looks like it is connected under on the side. looks like I might have to remove the seat belt trim cover. The other side looks extremely more difficult. The bar runs under the center console.
, having the same problem. How did you get the seat off the lower bracket in the rear? Don't see any bolts to remove....
Hello Mark

, having the same problem. How did you get the seat off the lower bracket in the rear? Don't see any bolts to remove....
Hello Mark
In case anyone needed pics, I added several; file names are in sequential order for seat removal. I just removed the driver seat in my '16 Explorer Limited in attempt to t/s the seat bottom cushion heater not working. To no avail, but I definitely got the seat out with little to no problem. I made sure to move power seat so that I could get my ratchet on rear bracket bolts, and that put seat a little over the two front bolts. But, ratchet still fit. Two 13mm hex bolts in front and same for hex bolts in rear brackets. Total of 4 bolts, the two large connectors that disconnect from driver's feet area, and there's a cable clip holding that harness to the seat. Then, you can remove the seat completely from the car.
Now, who's got the trick for removing that seat heater assembly. It's clipped and bolted into a white plastic spiderweb of an assembly behind "everything" under the seat. what a headache.


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It could be that the heating element is part of the seat cushion itself and not designed to be removed. :dunno:


It could be that the heating element is part of the seat cushion itself and not designed to be removed. :dunno:

I think one could remove it. Those two bolt hole brackets in the mid section are fastened from the top. the heads of screw or bolt must be next to seat cushion attaching to the white plastic net-like framework. I'm thinking that job is on the books at Ford service dept for 3-4hrs.

In case anyone needed pics, I added several; file names are in sequential order for seat removal. I just removed the driver seat in my '16 Explorer Limited in attempt to t/s the seat bottom cushion heater not working. To no avail, but I definitely got the seat out with little to no problem. I made sure to move power seat so that I could get my ratchet on rear bracket bolts, and that put seat a little over the two front bolts. But, ratchet still fit. Two 13mm hex bolts in front and same for hex bolts in rear brackets. Total of 4 bolts, the two large connectors that disconnect from driver's feet area, and there's a cable clip holding that harness to the seat. Then, you can remove the seat completely from the car.
Now, who's got the trick for removing that seat heater assembly. It's clipped and bolted into a white plastic spiderweb of an assembly behind "everything" under the seat. what a headache.
Looking for a little more guidance and how to disconnect the wires. The connector seems to be similar to the one used on the airbag module which I had no problem removing. Feels like I’m going to snap this when I tried to move The arm back. Anybody have any tips? Thank you in advance for any help

Looking for a little more guidance and how to disconnect the wires. The connector seems to be similar to the one used on the airbag module which I had no problem removing. Feels like I’m going to snap this when I tried to move The arm back. Anybody have any tips? Thank you in advance for any help
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:

