Floor Shifter for 5R55E Transmission | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Floor Shifter for 5R55E Transmission


New Member
June 29, 2013
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Raleigh, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
I have an 2001 Explorer Sport and I am looking to change from a column shifter to a floor shifter. I know there is no direct fit for my transmission type, but has anyone had any luck with a universal shifter with a little modification? I have talked to B&M and the tech guy told me not even a universal would work with my transmission. Any help would be appreciated.

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Might be able to use one from a Taurus/Sable. They used that style with the RHD Explorer.

Ok, I will look into that. Thanks for the info. I am just surprised that no one has made a shifter for that transmission.

RHD centre console set up

How it looks in the truck



they are all the same. a 4r70 has the same shifter cable as a 4/5r55e trans. the console si posted up is from a UK spec explorer.
also the same type as si will help me get one day as well, right buddy! :) lol

anything happened here? I'm totally interested in this too!

Look on dezertrangers I've seen a few done on there

Don't forget that the park brake is up there on the console too.

What does it look like in the LHD it would work right I know it's a stupid question

What does it look like in the LHD it would work right I know it's a stupid question

Ford never put the console shifter in a LHD truck. That said, it would look the same as the above photos, with the steering wheel on the left.

OK i know that was a stupid question but that helped me a lot do you know any web sites where I can order a kit

So, you did it or not? I wonder, how to connect parking sensor which prevent the car starting on D?

I put a 96 mustang floor shifter in my BII back in 2005

All of the Ford automatics after 95 are PRND21 so any shifter with that pattern will work with your 4r44e, 5r55e or 4r70w automatics

To use the 96 stang shifter I also used the 96 mustang cable AND had to change my shifter pawl in the transmission for the one from the mustang since the cable approaches the transmission from the rear. On our explorers the cable approaches from the front and the shifter arm points up

The nice thing about using ford stock parts is I have a OD on and off light as well as the shifter lights up same as my interior


here is an old picture, I have since added a manual shift transfer case and this shifter is now sitting on a "console" about 5" above the carpet, my right hand rests right on the shifter and armrest, it is the perfect setup. I built a bezel to cover the whole deal out of fiberglass but it is not done yet, I have some 3d printer bits to complete first and then the center console will be completed.

Retro T Bird 2002-2005 has the nicest one for 5 Sp~!


that will not work with 5r55e you need PRND21

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