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June 20, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
North Mankato, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Explorer Sport Trac
I got my Sport Trac in June of 2020 and finally got time to work on it over the winter. But then took until today for it to warm up enough to wash it. Over the last couple months I have added a custom Raptor-like grill, added a custom skid plate and removed the plastic radiator shield, plasti-dipped the wheels, mounted 265/75/17 tires and 2 inch wheel spacers. Had to make some adjustments to the inner plastic wheel wells, no tire rubbing now. Before and after shots...




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Did that grille come with the piece that attaches to the hood? Looks great!

Did that grille come with the piece that attaches to the hood? Looks great!
Thanks. No, I had to paint the hood trim piece. The grill was molded in black and the letters are 3D printed. Cost me a total of about $100.

Looks good,
Well, it's good you clarified that, I started searching for the sport trac Raptor Grill with no success :(
ahhhh 3D printers, I made house numbers, ABS paint primered, stucco'd, and then blended into siding, oh the things you can do.

Q: how thick did you print the walls/face, structure in behind for reinforcement... they will probably have to take gravel impact

Thanks. No, I had to paint the hood trim piece. The grill was molded in black and the letters are 3D printed. Cost me a total of about $100.

Looks good,
Well, it's good you clarified that, I started searching for the sport trac Raptor Grill with no success :(
ahhhh 3D printers, I made house numbers, ABS paint primered, stucco'd, and then blended into siding, oh the things you can do.

Q: how thick did you print the walls/face, structure in behind for reinforcement... they will probably have to take gravel impact
The letters are 3/4 thick then put in screws from the back side. The “Bentley style” was getting harder to find. I actually bought mine used on Facebook for $40.

Here is my grill. The grill came from amazon. I had the letters water jetted at a local shop.

00 new grille.jpg
