91 explorer gear oil leak? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91 explorer gear oil leak?


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April 6, 2021
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91 Explorer
Complete newbie here. Excuse me if the answer to my question is obvious.

91 explorer
128k miles

I have a leak in the front end..I'm extremely strapped for cash right now, so I'm trying to avoid paying a shop for a repair.

I don't know enough about cars to even know what to search for on google.

Not sure if this matters or not, but I've owned the car for 3 years and 4wd has never worked and its not a concern of mine to have it working.

Below is a picture of the leak
What is the name of the part where it's leaking from?
Is it gear oil?
How serious is it to drive on? (I only drive about 30-40 miles per day going to and from work)
Any videos or tutorials on how I would go about repairing this myself?

Any help at all is appreciated!

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That looks like engine oil and is coming from above the axle. If you can't do anything about it, keep checking your engine oil and make sure it stays topped up. If you're mechanically inclined, who chances your engine oil? Have a look by you or someone else to look up from underneath to see where it's leaking.

I would check the level of your power steering fluid as well. The power steering pump and hoses are above that area.

That looks like engine oil and is coming from above the axle. If you can't do anything about it, keep checking your engine oil and make sure it stays topped up. If you're mechanically inclined, who chances your engine oil? Have a look by you or someone else to look up from underneath to see where it's leaking.
Engine oil and power steering fluid are good. It seems to be leaking right from that seal with the rubber thing around it

Engine oil and power steering fluid are good. It seems to be leaking right from that seal with the rubber thing around it

That is a grease seal and the leak isn't coming from there.

Looks to me like a blown sector shaft seal in the power steering box or possibly the input shaft seal on the box. It can be replaced fairly easily if you are mechanically inclined. It takes a big socket, snap ring pliers and a pitman arm puller.

Looks to me like a blown sector shaft seal in the power steering box or possibly the input shaft seal on the box. It can be replaced fairly easily if you are mechanically inclined. It takes a big socket, snap ring pliers and a pitman arm puller.
Not mechanically inclined in the slightest.
If that's the case, is it safe to drive on as long as I check power steering fluid regularly?

Like others have said, it’s either coming from the steering box or the engine. My guess is steering box.
Monitor both fluid levels (engine oil and powering steering fluid) to see which it is. As long as you keep fluid levels good, it’s safe to drive like that, yes.
My steering box has leaked for years. I use Lucas powering steering stop leak in it. Hasn’t stopped the leak, but did slow it down.

Thanks for all the replies.
Idk if this helps at all but I took a couple pictures from the top.
I didn't realize how grimey the outside of my power steering reservoir is. Is it possible that it's leaking out of the cap or no?



Yes it can come out of the cap, they have a small vent. Doubtful that much is coming out to make that big of mess though. Did it get overfilled?

Probably should get some degreaser and spray around the pump, steering box and front diff to clean it all up. Have a friend turn the engine on and turn the wheel back and forth while you look for leaks out of the steering box, pump and lines. The fitting at the side of the steering pump do go bad.

Yes it can come out of the cap, they have a small vent. Doubtful that much is coming out to make that big of mess though. Did it get overfilled?

Probably should get some degreaser and spray around the pump, steering box and front diff to clean it all up. Have a friend turn the engine on and turn the wheel back and forth while you look for leaks out of the steering box, pump and lines. The fitting at the side of the steering pump do go bad.

It's possible that it was overfilled.
Thanks for the help!

If you have a situation where you have to turn the wheels with the engine not running, that can cause the fluid to force out and make a mess.

Degreaser work great at keeping engine clean and spotting leaks. I take mine to car wash and floor jack up front end and use a garden pump sprayer to get to the undersides. Wheel chock first.
