Cab/Roof/Sun visor for 07 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cab/Roof/Sun visor for 07 Explorer


New Member
November 14, 2021
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Uff Da!!!
City, State
Minneapolis, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I am trying to find out of these are even made for Explorers in years 2006-2010. I have been searching and find Rangers but not sure if they fit. Also, off this subject...has anyone found aftermarket taillights for these years? The one thing I don't like is the taillights. I tried tinting them as I had tinted my Infiniti but I did not have the patience nor the Thanks in advance!

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Ive replaced my Gen4 ugly tails with led painted Mounty ones

Ive replaced my Gen4 ugly tails with led painted Mounty ones
Did you have to rewire or do they fit without too much work? I am a busy gal, trying to weigh if paying someone to tint or doing the mountaineer taillights is better. I had heard there was a lot of rewire so I passed a few years ago. Thanks for your response!

The harness should be reworked a bit (depends on your current wiring configuration)

