Leaking sun roof | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Leaking sun roof

March 24, 2017
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2006 Explorer Limited
Our sun roof has been leaking since we bought our 2006 explorer limited 2 years ago right near where the rearview mirror/winshield meet. Sometimes to the point that you get drenched if it really rains bad. I found instructions online and actually pulled down the headliner and checked the drains and they appear to be all hooked up and clear of blockage. My wife is getting super pissed at it as am I. Does anyone have any other ideas what else it could be? I did find a bunch of broken glass pieces around the headliner area/sunroof so Im thinking maybe it got broken at some point?

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Sounds more like a hole around the windshield than a sunroof leak going by where you say the drip is coming from. Any rust above the windshield at all?

Google TSB 07-20-6. There were issues with the rear drain tubes on some vehicles built before 3-27-2007.

Also, another member on here mentioned about a large gap at the front between the roof and the tray. He used a duct sealer to fill the gap.

If that was a 95-05 Explorer(identical sunroof glass part), I would say I'm sure of what it is. The two 98's I own both leaked from the glass part itself.

But you might still test for the same issue, with some electrical tape. In the 95-05's, the seal itself bonded to the glass, will over time eventually let go slightly. Water in mine wicked under the seal and eventually dripped onto the headliner, inside the perimeter of the catch basin. So mine had dripped near the front corners of the headliner sunroof opening. I first taped the gap around the sunroof, and months later finally RTV'd it, and then tried the seal of the sunroof(with RTV). Now I have no leaks at all, and need to cut through the RTV at the gap so I can use the sunroof again.

Try just a line of electrical tape along the sunroof glass over the seal part way. You can do just the front edge since your leak is centered up front. If that turns out to fix it, then the issue is affecting lots of models, and I don't think there is a TSB of any kind that I've heard of.

I plan to reapply the Ultra Black RTV on a used 2005 sunroof I bought, using tape along the seal seam to make the RTV uniform and look okay.

Mine was like this too - would drip through the light and most of the water went into the cup holders. I replaced the rubber seal that surrounds the glass, not a drop since, even in a torrential downpour.
