What 2nd Row Dome Lights Are In a Civilian 201 Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What 2nd Row Dome Lights Are In a Civilian 201 Explorer?


Well-Known Member
October 1, 2021
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2016 Interceptor Utility
I have a 2016 Police Utility, which has no second row dome lights. I've read that the 2nd row has the same as the cart area, and also that they are on either side near the coat hooks?

Well...which is it? Considering adding the 2nd row lights to mine.

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I believe it has to do with whether or not the vehicle has the moonroof. All mine have had a moonroof and the lights were on the side.


Never seen an explorer with 2nd row dome
Prepare to be blown away...


Thanks to all!! I was at the dealership today, and there were 2 used Explorers...I assumed they both just came off-lease. Mystery solved.

The sunroof equipped Explorer had the map lights on either side...while the non sunroof version had the dome light in the middle..
