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Joe Dirt's Wedgie

Yeah, it sounded funny worded that way. :D Yes, I let my 6 year old name the car. When I mentioned that it was Wedgewood Blue, the name was blurted out in 5 seconds.

She's Deep Wedgewood Blue with a Dark Graphite leather interior.
105,000 miles, a V8 AWD of course, and sporting leather chaps inside. :D

So, the work starts- I need to swap over my audio stuff, visors, auto dimming mirror, rims and tires, trailer hitch, front lights, put in a new leather wheel and clean the hell out of the truck. I can't help but do that... ;)

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Today's project started during lunch when I ran home...


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Quick question on the Ultimate compound, i got some of that when i bought some NXT 2.0, but i'm afraid to use it because my buddy says you can really mess up your paint if you don't know what you're doing... That true?


Don't apply in direct sunlight.

I put it on my Orbital, set on speed 5. Worked a small panel (2' x 2') until it was going to start drying (wipe UC off when still wet) and then stopped and buffed off.

Main issues with people having less than satisfactory results are- sunlight, not using enough product, working too large of an area, not working it long enough, or working it too long.

HERE is a good thread

I was wondering if anyone was going to see that... LOL!

Tonight was slow, spent the evening playing with my boy.

I did slather the POR-15 on the tailgate, will prime and paint tomorrow, then resume the rest of project exterior detail... :)



Looking at your shamrock gone?

Nope, just unplated in the garage... :)

I admire your dedication and love how clean your truck looks inside and how shiny it is outside. That's awesome, keep up the good work, I hope one day my truck's as clean n shiny, however, my girlfriend said, if I break out the q-tips to clean the interior, she's gonna have me locked up...


So tonight wrapped up the first exterior detail, until after bow season. :)

I ended up doing a complete rub with Ultimate Compound (you'll see why) followed by a round of SwirlX to get rid of the leftover swirls, then a coat of Gold Class carnauba, then topped with NXT. I can't put a towel on the hood, it slides off. I'm counting on great gas mileage. :D

So on to the show...

Here are a few of the panels before:




It needed help. Bad.

So for the first test, I did this for the fans- this panel:


I worked with Ultimate Compound, using the cheap 6" Harbor Freight orbital polisher...

9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95 you can see what the product can handle:

Here is the panel after one pass:


After two passes:


Unless you're 6" away like I was with the camera and a flash, you can't see anything at all. Ultimate Compound really is great stuff... :thumbsup:

Other panel:


One pass:


Two passes:


After the entire truck was buffed out with Ultimate Compound:





After my Gold Class application during lunch, I came home after work and hit it with the NXT 2.0


Done. Put'er back together... :)


Sneak peek


Since I practice what I preach, let's clean up this trim of it's years of wax residue with Andrew's pink eraser. Sorry buddy, I'll get you another one... :D



Tired hand: (Those lower swirls are a characteristic of the aged plastic)


...aaaaaaaaand after


I was happy with the results...


Take a look:






Now I have to wash all of these pads and towels, and my garage is a mess. Ugh.


Joe, that is absolutely amazing. I have to do this to mine before the snow flies. I was going to give the interior the "joe dirt treatment" but I think I'll hold off on that until the spring. I have many of the scratches like you did and was unable to remove them on previous attempts. You got me all motivated to do this. Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration to us all. :thumbsup:

Alright, always been impressed with your work but the scratch removal really takes the cake! Those scratches looked deep! Had a dog with nails jump up on the side of my other SUV, had the scratches removed "professionally". They are still there....

Sham WoW you are killing me!! Have 2 cheap orbital polishers sitting in the box new. Guess it is time to try them out (on other peoples vehicles first of course).

And just an idea but Im thinking big bucks here"

JOE D's Professional DIY Detailing series of DVD's and products all with the Joe D smiling face logo!


It's a labor of love I guess I like seeing things transform. It does take a lot of trial and error to figure out what works for you, both product-wise and application.

It's not perfect, but it came out way better than I expected especially after seeing the scratches. I was going to wetsand the entire truck, but wanted to see how the UC would do on it's own, and I'm happy, I won't sand now anyway. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the comments!

We need ACTION photos!!

Looking good JD

Wow just fantastic work Mr. Dirt. It really is an inspiration to get off my ass and do some type of detailing on my 14 year old paint.

Looking at the front outside picture. I would say if your grey bumper cover was color matched with the other grey pieces that would look really good. A set of chrome cobra R's would also set it off. Just my take.

Again, really good job bringing Wedgie back to top form.

Joe, I need to send my 98 X out to you for a'll return clean, something it hasn't seen since the day it was bought. lol :D

What I was amazed with was the scratches. Those were some "good" scratches and you got them right out. So that compound stuff is the meguires ultimate compound? And then you used the gold class? I'm getting some of this stuff this weekend. :)

Wedgie looks like a brand new explorer

Good looking rig! I am a little confused, lol! No caption or anything. Maybe I'm missing the point. I never put intelligent on the form!!! :biggthump

techieman's X looks like the same color as wedgie. I'd assume it has to do with the products joe used but thats just my guess.

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Sorry I didn't explain that picture, it was in response to this post

Wow just fantastic work Mr. Dirt. It really is an inspiration to get off my ass and do some type of detailing on my 14 year old paint.

Looking at the front outside picture. I would say if your grey bumper cover was color matched with the other grey pieces that would look really good. A set of chrome cobra R's would also set it off. Just my take.

Again, really good job bringing Wedgie back to top form.
