I drive a 1998 explorer sport manually my wife has a 2000 ranger 4x4 off road manual we need tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I drive a 1998 explorer sport manually my wife has a 2000 ranger 4x4 off road manual we need tires

November 25, 2023
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1998 sport
I’ve had my explorer sprot (it’s a manual to) for a while and know what tire to run but we just picked her up an off road 2000 ranger manual and have no clue what tires can fit under it I think the t bars are cranked but was wondering what size tires can fit under it it’s a super cab




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We are on a budget and live in Indiana pa on top of a hill that dosent get plowed

Walmart. All terrain or winter tires.

I’m fine with Walmart ones I need something that will grip ice tho the budget is under 550


Any body ever run these? She wants beefy Bois that give the truck an off road look but would these be good for snow?


I’d also like to know the biggest tire size I can fit I’m probably in the wrong fourm maybe I should try a ranger one but I’m a member here and you guys have helped me out with my explorer

Does your budget account for mount and balance too?

265 will be about the largest you can fit stock, somewhere around a 31” tire

Those ones you chose look to have a decent tread! I suggest buying in town at the same place you have them mounted, otherwise mounting and balancing will cost a ton.

Otherwise you can buy online from places like tire rack or simple tire.com and they work with your Local installers

Goodyear wrangler diratracs are by far the best off road / snow / ice tire I have ever run. We live back in the woods off road and in the snow

I’ll update with pictures stay tuned for a crazy pa winter im going to talk to a local tire shop tomorrow but most of them around me don’t include install in the price of the tire and it’s about $22 a tire mounted and balanced side note has anybody balanced there own tires the truck won’t hit 55mph for what we plan on using it for

I’ll update with pictures stay tuned for a crazy pa winter im going to talk to a local tire shop tomorrow but most of them around me don’t include install in the price of the tire and it’s about $22 a tire mounted and balanced side note has anybody balanced there own tires the truck won’t hit 55mph for what we plan on using it for
We are going to see if this 23 year old truck is built Ford tough
I’ll update with pictures stay tuned for a crazy pa winter im going to talk to a local tire shop tomorrow but most of them around me don’t include install in the price of the tire and it’s about $22 a tire mounted and balanced side note has anybody balanced there own tires the truck won’t hit 55mph for what we plan on using it for
we are going to find out if this 23 year old truck is built Ford tough

It is
My 35 year old ford bronco is tough as nails! They all are built this way back then.

We use a slightly modified harbor freight bubble balancer to balance our tires

If you never plan to see over 55 then chances are they won’t even need a balance

You can also install dynabeads or similar to continually balance the tires

We bought our own tire changer, has already paid for itself many times over

Dose anyone know why these style universal side steps don’t fit and if there is an easy way to do it I was thinking it says they don’t fit because factory steps would be in the way but mine dosent have factory ones on it right now


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You will just have to make some simple support brackets for them, the steps are universal fit. Usually some holes are drilled and some metal legs or supports would be needed to make sure they are strong and don’t flex
