Mojave Road run april 19th?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mojave Road run april 19th??


Explorer Addict
July 30, 2005
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'96 XL
I saw the thread for march, i really wanna do this run but during the week doesnt work well. I was thinking of a run for us socal guys on the weekend of the 19th. Would be a fun run to take the weekend and im sure it would be a blast. Any of you socal guys interested??

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My brother will probably be in

Yeah i wanna do it to. Im guessing if we got a good group together it would be really fun. Im just hoping my rear end isnt taking a crap on me...That would not be good. Plus the 19th is my bday so a nice offroad trip with a campfire and some brew would be killer.

i say we should do the trail in one day instead of two :D

if the navajo is being worked on at the time, i could always bring my stock explorer

...huh, what's this??? miss 1 trail run and they forget all about you...:D

welcome to the board tbars4. nice lookin ex you got there, it hasn't been that long...:hammer:

i say we should do the trail in one day instead of two :D

if the navajo is being worked on at the time, i could always bring my stock explorer

Half the fun is the whole camping out in the middle of nowhere and just taking our time.

Half the fun is the whole camping out in the middle of nowhere and just taking our time.
Agreed. 1 day for a 150 mile trail doesn't leave any time for exploring beyond the beaten path.

I'm most definitely a maybe. I also wanted to run the trail with the other guys but i can't do weekdays. And my birthday is the 21st (21 years old!! :D), so i'd also like to enjoy a nice offroad trip with a campfire and some brew.

Hey, maybe we can continue on to Vegas from there for a mega birthday celebration. :p:

somebody save me a seat. i have a feeling that once i tear the navajo's front end apart, it won't be back together till' moab :rolleyes:

or if it is finished, i'll haul ass through to the other side, turn around and haul back to the middle for camp :D

I've got an open seat for you and jim, i've been in your car so many times, now you can ride in mine.

alllllright and we can bump the music through the goblin's system while cruisin the desert roads :cool:

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I'm most definitely a maybe. I also wanted to run the trail with the other guys but i can't do weekdays. And my birthday is the 21st (21 years old!! :D), so i'd also like to enjoy a nice offroad trip with a campfire and some brew.

Hey, maybe we can continue on to Vegas from there for a mega birthday celebration. :p:

Hell Yeah we get to introduce you to Johnnie Jack and Jose:thumbsup:

hehe If I make it I am bringing the good stuff for ya:cool: and we'll make a birthday to remember if you can remember it afterwards :D:D:p::eek:
