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Planning Stages - Next Texas Run


I'll bring you a copy Darkman.

I will also be bringing my video camera this trip, only difference is I bought a program and video card so that I can edit the video this time and put it on the internet for others to view of our trip. Hopefully we get some good footage. :chug:

NOTE to DARKMAN, hey if you can't make it just pm me your address and I'll mail it to ya. ;)

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I would like to start out with the 3's I guess. The 2's seem nothing more that a gravel road at Gilmer?

Jeff, bring the video from the late fall trip to Gilmer. We can watch it Sat. night for a good laugh. Bring any funny wheeling vids man!

dang man.. looks like the fun starts when the sun goes down. :( and ihave to work sunday. hhmm.. maybe i can leave late at nite. hhhmmmmmmmm.............

swak6287 said:
dang man.. looks like the fun starts when the sun goes down. :( and ihave to work sunday. hhmm.. maybe i can leave late at nite. hhhmmmmmmmm.............

James I think he's trying to escape!!!

Will someone br bringing a Tv? I would love to watch my major whoops on video that JohnStone has......
The fun always begins when the sun goes down.

I want to see a video from this:

Trckmagik said:
Will someone br bringing a Tv? I would love to watch my major whoops on video that JohnStone has......
The fun always begins when the sun goes down.
I can hook a VCR up to the Laptop. Plus, I can bring along a crt monitor for more viewing space.

Trckmagik said:
Broke Boy "B" just got the call from the tranny shop regarding his tranny for the trail rig. Are you guys sitting down?

1200.00 dollars to fix it!!!!!!!!!! Looks like his truck will be down even longer.
four words-
sevin hunnerd are four :smoke:

James, are you gonna wheel the Explorer with the pizza cutters on it?


I could bring some spare pizza cutters for ya. :D

naw, ill be in the hacked up trailer trash. ;)


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brian, how is the trail rig coming along? did u ever figure out how to put the 44 in the 35??

jamest, dont u love the sawzall. once u start, u cannot stop.

James, You gonna bring that grill with you?

Onnnnneeeee, Twwwwoooooo, Threeeeeeeee

Trckmagik said:
I want to see a video from this:

You know where you can see that at!

I MAY be able to bring the grill. Ill have to check with sureshot to see if he has room in his ride. I still dont know if/how my junk will get there, and dont want to promise anything and then not be able to bring it because of room restrictions.

There's always the trusty "Tool Box Grill"

I can bring it if need be, plus a full size Coleman Stove too!


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I was refering to the grill tossing :)

I am also bringing my famous little smoky grill

Trckmagik said:
I was refering to the grill tossing :)

I am also bringing my famous little smoky grill

SO WTF man you want me to bring my s**t or what? Are you saying my f**king grille isn't good enough for the massive monster Teaxas style blow out party? Are you jelious that my damn grille rocks? Are you gonna throw James' grille in the creek too? Are you just too much of a f**king pansty to cook on a grill that looks like something nasty grease laiden tools go in? Are you wondering why I'm beating on you? Are you sure you wanna know? Are you............................

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Man I will stab you in the face with a hot soldering iron my brotha!
