Previous ownder replaced engine, how do I find what yr Explorer it came from? HELP! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Previous ownder replaced engine, how do I find what yr Explorer it came from? HELP!


July 13, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Mays Landing, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLS 4x4 OHV
Ok, I have a 1999 Ford Explorer, 4.o OHV. Just got a new PCM using the vin# of the 99 and there is a short to ground my mechanic cannot find. Got another PCM and still the same thing so now my mechanic thinks the previous owner replaced the engine and the new PCM from the 99 VIN# is getting a short because the engine might be from an earlier engine. Can someone please tell me where I might be able to find what engine it is so that I can get a new PCM to match it.

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I'm actually looking for suggestions in how I might find what year this replacement engine is from. The old PCM was turned in for the new one and we are at a standstill with my Explorer. Please someone has to have an idea on what road to take.

I do not see how a different year engine would cause a short. It never would have run in the first place if there was a crossed harness issue.

I think your mechanic needs to look for the short in the wiring harness, tell him to look where it crosses under the battery, and pay attention to the injector harness.

Also, look at the transmission harness and 02 sensor harnesses for evidence of them contacting the exhuast.

That's another problem. We went to a local junk yard to get a new wiring harness because he just couldn't find it. It was the wrong wiring harness compared to the one that's already in there. The junk yard swears they got it off of a 99 Explorer, but it definitely wasn't the same so that is why. He asked the factory where I got my new ECM if it might be showing a short and they said yes because the ECM for a diff year might have a pin that supposed to be hot in a certain place, where my 99 is supposed to be grounded. I'm thinking my old ECM might have been for the replaced engine but getting the new one, my VIN# was used.

There will be a VIN stamped on the rear face of the block, IIRC drivers side just below the head.

I don't think it is covered by the bell housing of the tranny but i could be wrong
Maybe someone will pipe up with a pic of exact location. PM me if not by the weekend and i'll look at my spare engine (not where i live)

VIN location

The tenth digit of the 17 digit VIN indicates the year of manufacture. The identifier changed in 2001 [1998(W), 1999(X), 2000(Y)------2001(1), 2002(2), 2003(3)]
For the SOHC V6 the last 8 digits are stamped on the rear of the block on the driver's side as shown in the photo below by shelbygt.


It's probably in the same place on the OHV V6 but I doubt that you can see it with the engine installed.

engine number

i have just dismantled a 97 explorer and there is no engine number on the engine. could this be an engine that was fitted under warranty by fords it has a sticker on it with service engine 97 jm 6006 ca any ideas .


looking to find a way to make my sport trac sound meaner for under 200$. any ideas on a cheap exhaust?
