Engine noice on a ´91 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine noice on a ´91


February 11, 2006
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Year, Model & Trim Level
91 4.0
I´m about to buy a ´91 in pretty good condition with low milage but are abit put off by a steady ticking noice in the engine.. without beeing an expert I would guess its something with the valves. The noice is clearly heard while the car is in idle but are drenched by the normal engine sound if you gun it..

I contacted a local Ford shop by phone and asked about the valve noice, but they said the valves are selfadjusting (hydralic) and shouldn´t make any noice.. their guess was that the carrier plate to the camchain was broken or cracked.. a very expensive repair!!

Are they just full of it, or are they on to something..? Older Explorers are not that common here and I think they are that used to them in the local shop..
Wouldn´t the camchain make a more.. ratling,uneven noice?

I hope you can understand my problem, english isn´t my main language..
Swedish is..
Thank you.

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You should be ok. The 4.0L OHV valve engines that it has are noturious for ticking. They almost all do it. There's probably nothing wrong with it.

My '92 has been ticking for years. Most likely a lifter. It should quiet down somewhat once it warms up.

I had a second opinion by a mechanic that has more experience of the model, He took a "hands on look" and his verdict was a bad lifter.. nothing to worry much about, maybe an oilchange will hush it..as now, it comes and goes..

Will pick the car up today.. my first 4x4..
Thank you for the advices..
Will be back for shure.. :D

My 92 makes the noises. The lifters and pushrods get worn. There is a kit available from Delta camshafts, I think. Not a big problem. My truck has 190,000 miles on it and it sounds like a teletype machine when it idles.


Just worn lifter noise, they all will do it eventually.
