Explorer4x4 Swag!! New Sport Truck Decal! Pocketknife | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer4x4 Swag!! New Sport Truck Decal! Pocketknife

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Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I have a couple items for sale to Explorerforum members.


This decal is 6" tall x 4" wide and is only available in white. Price $6 shipped to you in the US. Arizona Residents, 8% sales tax applies.


The next item is a 7 function pocket knife. Price $11 shipped to you in the US. Arizona Residents, 8% sales tax applies.


The Sport Truck decal is 6" tall x 7.5" wide. Price is $6 shipped to you in the US. Arizona Residents, 8% sales tax applies.

Items will be available to international members as well, but I will have to determine shipping costs on an individual basis.

Click Here To Order

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Money sent! :cool: Those knifes are sick! Maybe after payday....

:p Thanks Rick

Thank you for the photo;)

The decals rock money sent for one.


I'm still waiting for the one I won for guessing the date we got our 50,000th member. If it was sent, I never received it :(

SoBeLover said:
I'm still waiting for the one I won for guessing the date we got our 50,000th member. If it was sent, I never received it :(

Yikes! I sent that out ages ago. I guess it bit the dust in the mail system:( I'll get another one out to you asap!

money sent for decal

how long are these going to be availible for? not that these are expensive, I just want to know :D thanks!

Money sent for 3 deacals

Rick said:
Yikes! I sent that out ages ago. I guess it bit the dust in the mail system:( I'll get another one out to you asap!

The horse must have died. :shoot: :shoot:

Rick you may want to make this a sticky.

Any idea of other swag comming available, shirts, jackets, hoodies Etc.


We should have T-shirts soon.

subscribing so i hear about the t-shirt and money sent as of today for a decal.

if the t-shirt looks good im definatly down for one or two.

maybe post up some designs and have a poll?

I have one of these knives, it's a slick little unit and since it can be used as a keychain it's very handy too. :thumbsup: You guys all need one. ;)

Hey Rick, did you recive my payment? (driverjohn2005@yahoo.com) How long for shipping?

Thanks, three orders are going out tomorrow.

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Got my junk today! Thanks Rick! :D


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