'91 explorer cruise control | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'91 explorer cruise control


December 19, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Bellingham, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Explorer XLT
Can anyone direct me to a "how to" guide on fixing the cruise control?

since i bought it two years ago it just has never worked. i want to rub my baby down and show her how much i appreciate her by fixin the little things if ya know what i mean. ;)

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Can anyone direct me to a "how to" guide on fixing the cruise control?

since i bought it two years ago it just has never worked. i want to rub my baby down and show her how much i appreciate her by fixin the little things if ya know what i mean. ;)

check all the fuses under the hood and under the dash first? i'd then make sure no wires were cut, also underneath the hood you should be able to find another throttle cable that is connected to a motor, that might be your problem.

your sayin there is a seprate motor (not THE motor) that this throttle cable is connected to right?... where is that motor at?

Not sure about the '91, but the '93 uses vacuum to control the throttle. Check vacuum hoses to the actuator (follow the cable to locate it).

Yea it sits on the driverside of the engine bay next to the master cylinder

ok i checked out that motor and i found a vacuum line that conects to right of the motor (side up against the fender wall) and it was just drapping down. any idear where it connects to?

The vacuum octopus on the intake plenum.. Its where the Brake booster, PCV and all the other lines go..

Thats a big hose to not have connected, so most likely someone already capped off where it was supposed to go, otherwise You would have a really big vacuum leak.


Damn who ever had my rig before me was %#@&%$* foreverytime i go to fix somethin on this sweet ride there is just always one little thing that creates more work. like when i was repacking the bearings for the front brakes they put the bearings in backasswards! but on the other had does anyone know where i can find a clear diagram (that means one that is not so confusing that i want to punch my computer) that will show me the proper vaccum line hookups to the confusing octopus?

Is the VECI (vehicle emission control information) label still under the hood? Has the vacuum routing. Usually on the underside of the hood or on the radiator core support.

yah I had a disconnected vac hose causing my cruise not to work but it went to the brake booster shaped object mounted to the drivers side engine compartment next to the actual brake booster

I don't think I've ever seen it setup like that...

All the ones I've seen (1st gens) have a single hose from the Cruise to the plenum.. Another hose from Brake booster to the plenum. There are also two more hoses that go to the passenger side. On 93 & 94's there is also a hose to the EGR on that octopus thing on the passenger side of the plenum.


His looks a little bit different(91) but its the same setup none the less

ok she works but, i took this hose looking thing off of the stem that the vaccum line to the cruise control goes on and it ran from the stem to the passenger side, which then hooked to another hose that ran from the air filter housing to the heater. Weird huh? as soon as i find a camera i can post pictures cause i know that made no sense.

ok i got some pictues but here is a stupid question... how the hell do i insert them to my response? lol

you can upload them onto a website like photobucket.com then when your in the reply text editor click on an icon in the tool bar that looks like a picture and itl bring up a window that you copy and payste the URL of the pic and click ok.
