Front Stabilizer (sway) Bar bushing bolts and possible kit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Stabilizer (sway) Bar bushing bolts and possible kit


Well-Known Member
October 25, 2008
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City, State
Chicagoland, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
98XLT 4WD SOHC,94XLT gone
Hey guys,

1998 V6 SOHC 4WD 4 Door.

Working on the front end and replacing the Front Stabilizer Bar bushing and links. Got everything out ok. But when I went to put everything back in only two of the 4 bolts for the bushings would start.

In the Ford Workshop Manual for the 98 it has the following note for these bolts

NOTE: In the event the self-tapping bolts cannot be installed in the frame, there is a kit available with flag nuts: consult your parts department for further information.

I guess I don't feel too bad since the problem happens so often that they have a kit for it.

Has anyone else had this problem and has anyone use this kit.

What the heck are flag nuts?

Any other suggestion.

And one question that I hate to ask. If I have to have the dealer fix this what would be the best way to get the car to the dealer? Can I drive it like this? Or Should I just remove the stabilizer bar and drive it in that way. Or am I being a cheap dumbass and should just have the car towed in?

Thanks guys.


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Would probably be easier having the four frame bushing bolt threads started before the end links.
Once they are partially threaded and still loose, pull the sway bar ends down to put the nuts on the links.

I had this exact same problem last weekend, I couldn't get the top 2 bolts in. I had put the end links in and couldn't get the bushing bolts started.

I put my jack under the lower control arm and jacked it up until the holes lined up.

I had this exact same problem last weekend, I couldn't get the top 2 bolts in. I had put the end links in and couldn't get the bushing bolts started.

I put my jack under the lower control arm and jacked it up until the holes lined up.

Unfortunately I think that I'm worse off. I can get the holes to line up, but the bolts wont start I think they have stripped out the first several threads in the hole.

well I did a search and found out what flag nuts are. basically a nut with a tab sticking out to press against something to keep the nut from turning. I assume that the kit will have me drill out the threads in the frame and get the nut in there behind the frame some how. I don't remember any openings behind the frame. I'm going to be out on the road for two weeks so I'll have to look at the explorer when I get home.

I have heard of many instances where shops (including some dealerships) weld these instead of trying to bolt back together. Brilliant non-maintence minded engineering I suppose.

well, I'm not a welder (although I work almost every day with boilermakers) so I won't be learning how to striking an arc on the explorer. :D

I'm starting to rethink the issue. After thinking about the bolt being "self-tapping" I was trying to start them with just a socket wrench and didn't have a lot of room so I don't think that I was getting much pressure on the bolt to push them into the hole.

So I think what I'm going to try when I get back home is to disconnect the links to get any force off the bar. then jack the front end up onto some jack stands so the I've got room to work. And then loosen up the two bolts that I do have fully installed so that I can line up the remaining holes and then use my impact drill driver with some pressure behind it to get the bolts to start.

I think that I just stripped out the beginning of the holes and since the bolts are self tapping if I get some force behind them they should bite into what is left. If I get them inserted and then use a torque wrench to torque them to the proper torque they should hold. And if they do strip out then I'm not any worse off then I was to start with.

I was worrying about cross threading the bolts but since they are self taping I don't know if that is really a concern.

Any thoughts?

Finally got back home from being out on the road for work. Should be attempting to fix the bolts this weekend. Just thought that I'd bump this for one more shot at advice.

I'll post how it turns out.


one little bit of advice,,In your post you state - "And then loosen up the two bolts that I do have fully installed so that I can line up the remaining holes and then use my impact drill driver with some pressure behind it to get the bolts to start."

You have bolts fully installed...? Back them off ,so they are just in a couple threads ,then try to start the others. Always get all bolts started loosely ,before tightening any of them.
I just did my 99 and had no issues whatsoever getting the bushings on and the bracket bolts started.

Good luck to ya !! Let us know how it works out.

Update - I used my cheapo harbor freight tap and die set to chase the threads on the bolts and bolt hole then use my impact driver to drive the bolts right into place. Then tighten them up with a torque wrench. I left it at the lower 1/2 of the torque spec in the manual. I didn't want to press my luck and chance ripping out the threads. Looks good to go now.

Got to love it when you can fix things with any more $$$ and they turn out well.:thumbsup:
