My quest for 30 MPG - Ford Explorer Gas Mileage Tips | Page 41 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My quest for 30 MPG - Ford Explorer Gas Mileage Tips


Perhaps, you could talk your friend into letting Aldive have the pills to test (for FREE)???

Afterall, having Aldive say, "It works!".....will have everyone coming to him to BUY.

Aloha, Mark

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r37ribution said:
I would be interrested in seeing what kind of milage you get without the pills and the new intake.

I wonder which is better for performance and/or milage: K&N or MAC intake?

Your interested in what mileage I get with neither the intake or the pills? The best I got was 16.8. And that was trying not to go over 2000 rpms, for the whole tank, all in town driving. This was in September, with the temps probably around 75 during the day.

I then added the intake and drove to the gas station, this was about a week ago. I filled her up and added the pills. I read somewhere that the computer will learn the new parameters better if you go WOT a few times after you get your new Intake, and regardless it sounds cool to do it anyway. So I probably did about 10 runs at WOT to about 65-70 mph. My mileage then increased to I think it was 17.5 or something, I don't have the paper with me, anyway it was a 9.5% increase. Temps were mainly in the 30's and 40's. So either the intake helped me out even tho I floored it repeatedly, or these pills work.

The way the pills work (or so I'm told), is that they decrease the flash point of the fuel, which allows a longer burn. It also lowers the amount of unburned gas that gets into the exhaust. They also make the gasoline more dense, or less dense, whichever would allow the fuel to come out as more of a mist.

I was thinking of trying to do that, but he is down to one bottle right now, I'll wait til he gets another shipment in. I'll try to talk him into giving them to me for AL, but they are $25(his cost, vs $40 which is what he charges) for 40 pills, and you add 1 pill/8 gallons of gas, double on the first 2 tanks. So if Al wants to just pay the $25 to see, that would be great. 40 pills would be more than enough for him to test and see if they do indeed work.

Not trying to hijack but here's my list of mileage mods. and their improvements.
Summer tires at 45 psi 10%
Hi flow air filter 10%
Special intake 10%
Synthetic oil 10%
Fuel line magnets 10%
Airplane wax 10%
Slick 50 10%
Premium gas 10%
Hi flow exhaust 10%
Octane booster 10%
Aerodynamic wipers 18%
Ground effects skirts 5%

All together a remarkable improvement in fuel economy, so good in fact that every 200 miles or so I have to pull over and dump out the gas tank.

savagefan said:
Not trying to hijack but here's my list of mileage mods. and their improvements.

Why does this happen twice in the last month. Is it the moon or something? :rolleyes: brings em all out of the woodwork.

Rhett said:
Why does this happen twice in the last month. Is it the moon or something? :rolleyes: brings em all out of the woodwork.
Maybe people on this site, question Als results

Then they should post a real question, like most people on this site do

Lighten up girls.

whoathere said:
Your interested in what mileage I get with neither the intake or the pills?...
I was wondering what your milage would be from a full tank to E with the new intake and no pills.

I am looking into getting a new intake and want to know which I should get.

Also wondering if the pills work. I am driving to FL from MI next month on the 17th (~1800 miles).

Al, have you tried a K&N intake?

MAC intake (Advertised Estimated Horsepower Gain: 10.9 HP @ ???? RPM):

K&N intake (Advertised Estimated Horsepower Gain: 5.86 HP @ 4202 RPM):

Well the MAC defintely looks more attractive with the higher HP numbers and looking cooler being aluminum and all.

Al, why did you decide to go with another MAF? Or does the MAC not include a MAF?

I am not exactly sure what mileage gains I would have had with just the intake. But I know that I did get on it quite a bit during this tank, I mean I'm sure that I would have had some gains, under normal driving conditions. It takes 4 tanks for the pills to get their full effect, I only did one tank, and now I'm doing another tank of NO pills. On the next tank, with NO pills I will see what mileage I get, which will be just with the intake. I'll let you guys know what I get.

whoathere said:
The way the pills work (or so I'm told), is that they decrease the flash point of the fuel, which allows a longer burn. It also lowers the amount of unburned gas that gets into the exhaust. They also make the gasoline more dense, or less dense, whichever would allow the fuel to come out as more of a mist.

Do these "pills" last forever? Or are they consumed during their function on gasoline? Are they metallic?

Thanks ....

r37ribution said:
Al, have you tried a K&N intake?

Yes, I have tested the K & N intake as well as the Mac.

I found no significant difference in the performance of either' both work well.

r37ribution said:
Al, why did you decide to go with another MAF?

Or does the MAC not include a MAF?

First of all, neither of the two intakes include a MAF.

I went with the Mac simply because it looks better ( it is also less expensive ).

aldive said:
Do these "pills" last forever? Or are they consumed during their function on gasoline? Are they metallic?

Thanks ....
We had the same pills in the 60s :confused: They worked as my VW would get 45 MPG, even at warp speed of 35 mph in the fastlane :D

aldive said:
Do these "pills" last forever? Or are they consumed during their function on gasoline? Are they metallic?

Thanks ....

They do not last forever, I do not know if they are metallic, I don't think so. It says they are bio-degradeable.

whoathere said:
They do not last forever, I do not know if they are metallic, I don't think so. It says they are bio-degradeable.

Do you have a pic of these "pills"? A link to a website or more info?

Thanks ....

Back from the road trip and have some data to report.

I shall break this into two parts. The first part will be the Sarasota to Atlanta leg and the second part will be the reciprocal trip.

Part 1:

I decided to not vary computer tunes during this leg. The tune was a Bama Chips ( ) custom tune that uses 89 octane fuel. The tire air pressure was 42 PSIG.

I made it from Sarasota to just north of the Georgia line and ran into a most horrendous traffic FUBAR due to so called highway construction. This jam lasted for 45 miles the first part and then 34 miles. The traffic flow, if one could be so kind as to call it flow, was about 1 MPH. I was in this stop and go for almost 2 hours.

I knew that gas mileage was going to be shot to hell. And it was; when I refilled in Atlanta. I used 17.6 gallons of Amoco 89 to travel the 511 miles. That was a whooping 29.07 MPG.

Part 2:

The return trip used the same custom computer tune, Amoco 89 fuel. I decided to divide the return trip into two parts; the drive from Atlanta to the state line and the state line to Sarasota. The first leg was 239.7 miles and the second 271.3 miles.

I refueled at the state line. The first leg was at an average speed ( GPS determined ) 64.8 MPH. I went the 239.7 miles on 6.2 gallons of gas for my best ever mileage of 38.6 MPG.

Encouraged by this data, I averaged 72.6 MPH on the second leg and netted only 34.9 MPG. Speed kills mileage.

Overall, I am very pleased with the mileage gains afforded by the underdrive pulleys; however, more comments on the underdrive pulleys in a later post.

Al do you take your mileage from the odometer?

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410Fortune said:
Al do you take your mileage from the odometer?

Yes, but backed up via GPS. The odometer is very accurate as determined by mile markers as well as GPS.
