BROKEN OUTSIDE DOOR HANDLE | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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July 2, 1999
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Wilmington, NC
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'96 XLT
The OUTSIDE door handle on the driver's door of my 96 has partially broken. When I go to open the door and lift up on the handle, it is loose for the first inch or so, as if some spring has broken. Normally, there's a good bit of back pressure when you lift up the handle, but that's gone now. Anyhow, when you pull the rest of the way up, the door opens OK. But the handle itself is loose. Is it a broken spring?

I know how to get the door panel off OK, but the drawings in my Haynes manual don't show the opener assembly good enough to make out what might have broken. And I'd rather not go pulling the panel and/or drilling out the handle until I know what it is I'm trying to fix, and have the parts ready to do it.

Anyone have some idea what's actually broken, and what I probably need to do to repair it?

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About 75% of Explorers I've seen have that same problem on the drivers door. There is no fix that I am aware of, other than replacing the whole handle.

It should work for a long time still,as those handles have been like that on two of my families X's for a couple of years, and they still open the doors.

Originally posted by LStoudenmire
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OK, I've read that thread. Now I'm hoping Ron Cox will come on to this one and discuss in a little more detail how he replaced the spring. I suspect the problem in my door is a broken spring since the door still opens just fine. Well, if Ron doesn't pop up here soon, maybe I'll try his private messages. But since this is apparently such a common problem in Xs, it might be nice to discuss the fix. Hey, Ron...ya listenin'?

First off get the door panel out of the way. My '91 is a pain, everytime you pull it off you end up replacing some off the push pins. Next get a mirror and look inside the door for the rod that connects the handle to the latch. There should be a plastic clip close to the end of the rod. You need to unclip that, you'll need a fish hook type pick to undo it. Then drill out the rivets from the outside. The whole assembly should come out, but you won't be able to pull the rod out through the latch hole. Work the latch around to unhook it from the rod. This will make more sense when seen. Then what I did was pinch the small rivet on the handle assembly, where the spring is. Straighten out the crushed end so that it can be tapped out with a drift and reused. Take note how the spring is positioned. I had to guess how the spring bent since I was missing the other half. I noticed a small hole in the other part of the handle where the spring might of went. I bent the spring at 90 degrees and reinstalled the spring. Wish I had taken pics! Put the rivet that you carryfully took out back into the handle assembly. I used a punch to mushroom the head back over. Check for tension between the 2 handle pieces before you do that, or you might be taking it apart again. Assembly is just the opposite of course. I got the springs at True Value Hardware, there not the same but it worked really well. I think total I spent a couple of hours playing with it and about $6 for the springs. I used bolts to put the handle back on, check the length of the bolts, it will hit the glass if its too long. I think the bolts were 1/4" X 1" long. Keep in mine that I have a 91, yours probably is different. I hope I made sense!

Originally posted by RON COX
I hope I made sense!

You sure did, Ron, and thanks for responding. I think the first thing I need to do is get the panel and watershield off and get a mirror in there to see if i can positively identify the problem. So thanks for the mirror idea too!!!

Do you need to unscrew the latch assembly?( the part that grabs the door and keeps it closed) What size rivit would be needed if I didn't use bolts? And what do you use to replace the plastic sheet?

Latch assembly? Are you talking about the part that the striker bolt locks to? If so, no. The rivet are about 1/4", which I couldn't find at Home Depot or auto parts stores. The plastic sheet was peeled back enough to expose the handle. I just used duct tape to reattach it.

Thanks, What if the metal rod that goes from the outside handle to the latch assembly has come off the latch assembly, (I can't see but I think the latch connection point is broken) Also need to replace the exterior handle. Do I have to replace the entire latch assembly or can that piece be replaced.

Exact problem I had a month ago. Ended up costing around 280 at the dealer to have repaired. They had to replace the rod inside cause it had broken in half. The bulk of the bill was in labor cause there isn't much room in the door to be working in.

The latch connection point is actually 2 pieces of "C" shaped plastic that hold the rod. [] Kinda like that. It's hinged on one side. I used a hook shaped to unlatch it. Sort of, it broke. The one side still holds the rod ok. Blake I'm not sure if the whole latch needs to be replaced, I didn't really check how it all connected to the striker latch.

Thanks, hopefully the c shaped just came hooked or I can at least use one side, otherwise I'll have to buy that too. Does anyone know what bolt i am supposed to remove to get that verticle window guide out of the way or was that only for the lower guide?
Thanks for the help, the wife sort of demanded this get fixed before any more mods and I am tired of sliding over from the passenger seat.

While i have the door open is there any way I can install one of those keypads to let me into the car? I know the limiteds have it and was wondering how difficult it would be to add to my XLT.

OK g r e a t :( looks like I need a new handle, that I can do. But that c channel plastic piece appears to be broken on the latch. How do i fix this? The latch comes loose easily with the removal of 3 screws but is held in by the inner door handle, upper lock"wand?" , exterior lock key slot, and autolock motor inside door. Is there any easy way to get the latch out? I don't know if I have to get the latch out but I think the plastic piece would probably come with a new latch. Each of these items is attaches by a rod with a s shape thing in plastic retainers. I can't see how they got everything in there if they didn't hook everything up outside the dor first then drop it all as a unit into the door. Can anyone PLEASE tell me how to do this. The Hanes tells me nothing and I HAVE to get this fixed asap
If the plastic piece is too hard to get to then would some JB Weld work to hold the outer handle rod to the inner latch plastic piece? If noe jb the anything similar that would do a better job?
Thanks for the prompt replies I appriciate it
Blake D

Did it break totally where there isn't a "C" clip? I'm not sure how to get the latch assembly out.

C clip is stil there but i don't see any hinge or anything to keep the metal wand from falling off let alone staying in while lifting on the door handle to open the door. I am wondering if I can't get it out if it would just be best to use JB or something similar, mabye something easier to work with.
Thanks Ron for your replies hope I make sense?!

anyone have any ideas?

That is how mine is. Snap the rod back into it and give it a try before buttoning everthing back up. Mine is staying in place, hopefully yours will too.

Thanks I'll try it. What do you thing about the idea of the cold weld stuff if it doesn't stay? would it work?

Well I guess if you could get enough around it, but personally I would try something else.

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I just want to be prepared if it doesn't stay so I don't have to make last minute runs to the shop or work on it forever and send it in for repairs.
