Hard downshift to first | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hard downshift to first


New Member
February 17, 2002
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Sport
1997 Explorer Sport 4x4
6.0L SOHC w/ 5 speed Auto
All fluids are at proper levels

When I hold the brake pedal down and am coming to a stop, I hear and feel a small yet definite thunk or thud when the tranny downshifts into 1st gear. It seems to happen right when the forward momentum stops.
If I really try, I can slow the Explorer down very slowly and it will not make the thunk.
Is this a normal behavior for an Explorer or is it a sign of a bigger problem? I seem to see more than a few people around here with tranny problems.
I have a 30 day warranty that runs out in about 8 days and would like to know if I need the dealership to take action. Any info would be VERY much appreciated.


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Take it back to the dealer, their is a TSB on this harsh shift into 1st and the dealer should reprogramme the PCM free of charge

WOW!!! That was quick. This place is great!

I REALLY appreciate the info. My dealership is aware of that TSB and they are going to take care of at as soon as I take it in.

You sure helped me out!!! Thanks again.

Another thing to keep in mind.... the slip yoke? may need to be lubed. I believe its part of where the driveshaft and rear differential meet. Search for more info.
Welcome to the site, and good luck with the Ex!

You guys are great!!!!
I sure do appreciate all the info you have given me. I did check on the slip yolk? but all I could find were kits not really any specs on it.

It came down to the dealership having to replace the driveline and the DRV/SHFT ASY which I assume is the driveshaft assembly. Not sure if it needed to be that drastic but it is driving perfectly now. (Knock on simulated wood grain finsh)

I am totally new to this 4x4 Explorer world but I sure do love driving it!

Thanks again to tplynch and Mark Drysdale. by the way Mark, I have relatives from GB. They are from High Wycombe. I visited there when I was younger and it is one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Be sure you get your new slip-yoke lubricated per your service guide. I believe my '97 calls for lubrication every 6K miles. Check yours to be sure. When it needs to be lubricated, you will get a distinct thump as soon as you come to a stop. It feels like someone lightly taps you from behind. To lubricate it requires removing the rear driveshaft and smearing some grease on the front (splined) end. If you dont' keep it lubricated, it will bind up while you drive and release when you stop. The releasing is what causes the thump.

I will. Thanks for the info.
