My new gauges | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My new gauges


Explorer Addict
March 16, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Pleasant Hill, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 4 dr. EB
Here's a shot of the new gauges I put in my truck over the last week. They replace the stock "dummy" gauges.


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Kind of dark huh, from what I can see looks good. Should give you a little more confidence every thing is running smoothly.

Um, maybe take a pic with the lights on or the flash? I can't see crap ;)

Yeah very dark, turn some lights on bro. :D

Tell us what kind of guages you put in there also.

I cranked the brightness on my monitor and I can see their outline. Very clean install. Looks great!

Sorry about the picture guys. It was night and the f'ing flash was reflecting. Here's one I shot today. The gauges are Sunpro (obviously) 1 1/2 inch mechanical gauges. I got them in a 3 pack with a temp gauge that I'm going to be using to monitor my auto tranny. Here's another picture. Still not perfect. All the reflections make it difficult to get a good picture.


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Looks great..

I have a spare gauge set that I've been trying to figure out how to do the same thing..

I want to change my Temp and Oil Pressure gauges to different electrical ones.. so I can use a flip switch to change from water temp to oil temp to tranny temp...


Did you have to cut the PCB behind the gauge to get that to fit in there? I'm assuming you had to modify the white plastic (where the light goes) to get the gauge in there.. Any info on what you had to modify on there would be greatly appreciated ....



Yes, I did have to cut out the back of the factory gauge cluster. These gauges were about a quarter inch too deep to fit without cutting. I used a dremel to cut out the holes for the gauges. I connected the new lighting to the lighting circuit on the back of the gauge. I would have loved to do the switch on the temp to switch back and forth between tranny and engine. But I couldn't find an electric 1 1/2 gauge.

Real clean... I like it.

Nice, much better pics. Looks great.

How hard was the install?

WOW! Those look really clean and great.
Good job!

Donm, they were reasonably difficult to install. Luckily I had a spare gauge cluster to work with.
