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01 sport trac loud noise from engine

March 20, 2021
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01 ford explorer sport tr

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Timing job time

My wife's future truck 2002 Sport Trac 4.0 SOHC was so bad that now it won't run and unable to record the sound of how bad that it was.

Timing job time
you think thats what it is is that hard to do and how much does something like that cost I was thinking it was going to be something bad cant get anyone to look at it so still stranded

The sohc engine is known to jump time when it start making noises like this. When it does jump time the pistons slap into the valves and now you need new heads and all new timing, maybe more.
Consider replacing it with a new or low
Mile replacement engine
How many miles are on the 01 trac?

You need to decide if it is worth keeping

Where are you stranded?

The sohc engine is known to jump time when it start making noises like this. When it does jump time the pistons slap into the valves and now you need new heads and all new timing, maybe more.
Consider replacing it with a new or low
Mile replacement engine
How many miles are on the 01 trac?

You need to decide if it is worth keeping

Where are you stranded?
I am at home only ride I have started doing this on my way home the other day and have not cranked it since didnt drive it far doing this its got over 200 thousand miles on it

What 410 said

New motor time
it really depends on your abilities to work on it
I'd replace the hydraulic tensioners as a last try to fix it but that's just me

4or 5 thousand installed yea
damn this sucks I love my truck but it does have 250,000 miles on it thinking of parting it out and look for something else I appreciate all the comments as I was at a loss of what it could be no warning sign at all just happened out of nowhere
4or 5 thousand installed yea
I read on here somewhere to take fan belt off and crank it if you still hear the noise thats definitely what it is I tried that and I still heard the noise
Timing job time

damn this sucks I love my truck but it does have 250,000 miles on it thinking of parting it out and look for something else I appreciate all the comments as I was at a loss of what it could be no warning sign at all just happened out of nowhere

I read on here somewhere to take fan belt off and crank it if you still hear the noise thats definitely what it is I tried that and I still heard the noise
That really sucks sorry

You could install a used engine
But then usually short after the transmission Blows

We see this all the time
250k is a good life

You could install a used engine
But then usually short after the transmission Blows

We see this all the time
250k is a good life
yes it is was a damn good truck I hear 200000 is about as long as they last

If you change your oil often and transmission fluid we do see 300-350k from these trucks
With that said most of them hit the junk yard around 200-250k yes

And that stinks because often the bodies suspension and frame are still in great shape
My specialty is putting trucks like this back on the road, we usually install a lower mile later year complete drivetrain and refresh the rest of the truck (fuel pump , fluids changed, fix broken things etc)
250k miles is a badge of honor
