02-03 trannys | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02-03 trannys


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December 27, 2008
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Upstate NY near Rochester
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97 sport
I am looking for an Ex to replace my rusty one. A friend has told me that the 02 and 03 models had a lot of transmission issues. How true is this?

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I've heard the same. But I've been lucky I guess I have the 4.6 with the upgraded tow package. Maybe the trans cooler is was keeping the temp down and trouble. From what I've read you can service the servo bores which will keep u from replacing the whole trans. I would stick with the v8 on all the ex.

I am looking at V6 engines mostly and in sports preferably. They did make sports in Gen3 didn't they?

No sport in the 3rd gen. Go for the 8cyl if u decide on the 3th gen. Same mpg I get 16.8 average. There more reliable, no timing chain rattle problem.oh yea more power.

Ok I will stick to V8's then. Any more input on the 02 and 03's as far as tranny troubles?

I have searched these forums and read a lot about tranny issues. I get the idea that with flushing every 30,000 or so the tranny may last a while. I have a couple of questions though and I am going to look at an 2002 8cyl with 71,000 miles on it in the morning.

Do these years of Explorers receive only one transmission or are there options that some may have come with that may be better and some worse?

I didn't find a list of these so if there is one here somewhere please let me know.

I also have read about solenoid valves with o rings that are supposed to keep pressure up and rectify some troubles. Would it be a good idea to put these in as a preventative measure rather than waiting for trouble?

Here is a list of things to .look for when buying. Rear springs they tend to crack, broken wire in driver door search it up lots of info,cracked rear panel on tailgate, front upper ball joints, heater blend door also.search that up, and smother shifts in tranny. All are simple to.fix except tranny don't let these problems scare.u can use it to ur advantage. The.4.6 v8 will have a little of a grumbling noise at idle if thee not using the correct oil filter.pit it in drive noise goes away your good.
Emphasis on smooth shifts in tranny but I think.you'll b ok.as for servicing tranny I .can't help.u that the one thing I stay away from. I still believe its a great vehicle you will see a lot of comments on the tranny because it is a popular vehicle. Especially when owners r running them into.high miles. Don't Bing up to#$@ta or some other vehicle because your frame will Rot and rust before you hit 200k imo.

Toyota, many people say they last forever but every vehicles has its own problems. My brother in law swore by his Tacoma until it was recalled for frame rust issues. Meaning don't let small issues detour u from your truck.

Just got back from looking at the 02. Ad said it was in great shape and it was except for the tranny was shot. I drove over an hour to see this thing and I had asked on the phone if anything was wrong and was told no. What's wrong with people these days? I have run all over the place, over 2 states looking and most times the people have lied to me about one thing or another. Oh well..... rant over.

They were asking $5000. I laughed and offered them $2000 figuring they would never take that. Well, they said ok! BUT I still declined. There were a couple other small things wrong and 2000 was probably a great price since it didnt have a lick of rust and only 71000 on the clock but I just didn't like the deception..... Maybe I will offer them $1200..... hmmmmm Then I could put a new Jasper tranny in it, tires and fix whatever else it needs and know it has a good tranny......

Thay sounds like an good idea ill do it if I had the chance.

Just got back from looking at the 02. Ad said it was in great shape and it was except for the tranny was shot. I drove over an hour to see this thing and I had asked on the phone if anything was wrong and was told no.

In some ways I think buying a third generation Explorer with a blown tranny might be the best way to go. You get them ultra cheap and you get to choose who rebuilds it and in the end you have a basically new transmission. If you buy one that runs well there is no guarantee the tranny won't break on the way home. I did this with a third gen Mountaineer and it worked out well until it was totaled in an accident. I ended up getting more from the insurance company than I paid for it including the tranny rebuild.

My 02 EB has 193K on original tranny.Ive changed a few solenoids boxes over the years and changed the fluid every year.The servo bore is the biggest problem with these and I just installed one sold by a member on this forum that has a machined groove with an oring and I'll be dog gone if it didnt fix the od light/no overdrive problem.It took a few hundred miles to actually start working after the repair but it worked.As long as none of the bands are broken I wouldnt be afraid to take a gamble on good deal with transmission problems.

My 02 EB has 193K on original tranny.Ive changed a few solenoids boxes over the years and changed the fluid every year.The servo bore is the biggest problem with these and I just installed one sold by a member on this forum that has a machined groove with an oring and I'll be dog gone if it didnt fix the od light/no overdrive problem.It took a few hundred miles to actually start working after the repair but it worked.As long as none of the bands are broken I wouldnt be afraid to take a gamble on good deal with transmission problems.

So, do you think that if one has an 02 or 03 with a properly functioning tranny, and installs all the transgo and sonnex updates/upgrades in it that it would be a fairly bulletproof tranny?

i have an 02 and in 5 years of owning it i have put 2 transmission all 4 wheel bearing rear end all due to inferior parts, both trans were built buy ford with all update do make them "bullet" i call bs. first one at 80k and i just put the other one in at 130k. i dont off road or even town. i drive 30 miles each was to work and its all free way driving. just a horrible design and they need to admit to it

No sport in the 3rd gen. Go for the 8cyl if u decide on the 3th gen. Same mpg I get 16.8 average. There more reliable, no timing chain rattle problem.oh yea more power.

Actually I have found that the Sport was continued unchanged in 02 according to Wikipedia so that is a viable option as long as unchanged means the older tranny too. I guess I will just stay away from the other 02 and 03 models. They do say that by 05 the issues were worked out but now I am wondering about the 04 models. Anyone have issues with 04's?

I guess I should of said I was just plain lucky lol.There is no doubt that these transmissions have a horrible track record.Its just that knowing what I know now if I foind one real cheap with a transmission problem and I could verify the bands were intact I'd put the screws to the seller further and take a chance.The sonnax updates would be a plus even though I have the original VB in mine.
