02 Exlporer XLT cannot locate clicking noise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 Exlporer XLT cannot locate clicking noise


August 9, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Lansford, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLT
A few months ago we had a clicking noise from the rear and had to change the rear hub assembly and bearrings on the drivers side. We just recently had a similar noise that sounded like it was coming from the front drivers side. This time the sound was accompanied with a jerking feeling as if the wheels were getting stuck and was horrible immediately where as the rear issue got worse over time.

We changed the hub assembly and driveaxle for the front drivers side and the noise that we were hearing seems to be gone and the resistance in the wheels is gone too. Although that sounds like good news there is a new noise. It sounds like metal on metal clicking and we can't figure out where it is coming from although we're pretty sure it's the front. When going in reverse there is no noise when rolling slowly in drive nothing but as soon as you hit the gas and start to gain the tiniest bit of speed you hear the clicking. One other thing to keep in mind is that our 4x4 will not engage at all. No 4x4, no lights, nothing. We were told that would probably be the 4x4 CM but now with the clicking issues I'm wondering if all of these issues are being caused by the TC.

Any ideas would be wonderful since process of elimination is getting expensive.

If the clicking stops when you press on the brakes then it's probably the thin metal springs between the front brake pads and the caliper. Had that happen on my 02 where part of them broke off so the brake pads are kinda loose in the caliper. You can get a caliper repair kit from Rockauto for about $5.00 and it comes with the springs and the boots for the calipers.

we've found new details: with the front up on jackstands we turned the driver side wheel forward and the pass side wheel turned backward and same in reverse. The clicking sound is fairly quiet while turning the drivers side wheel and louder when turning the pass side. My husband was under the truck while i turned the wheels and there is a long bar running under the truck that spins when you turn the wheels...wherever that leads seems to be where the noise is coming from is this the TC? I was told to replace the front universal which i found at Advanced for only 16 bucks so i hope that person is right......

any ideas???

it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the brakes just rolling of the wheels which now we know is because they are fighting each other.

problem solved

for anyone reading this because they are experiencing something similar....the front driveshaft was causing the clicking....we took it off and smooth riding from then on. since the 4x4 cm needs to be replaced anyway we aren't loosing anything without the driveshaft anyway!!
