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02 Explorer Limited


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February 18, 2008
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'99 XLS
Hi there,

i have a 99 xls at the moment and I'm trying to decide if I would get this 02 Ex Limited that is being offered to me, it has around 130,x.. miles on it.

Any thoughts and suggestions/recommendations?



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My 02 XLT has 198k on it. I take care of it though. I expect 50 thou more before I get something else.

If the owner has had the tranny flushed regularly, and upkept the other maintenance, you should get severalthousand out of it still.


As the first model year of the 3rd generation, many will tell you to avoid it.

I would not get one without a documented service history and/or pre-purchase inspection (by a pro who knows these and their potential problems).

That said, I have an '02 Limited, totally loaded, bought new in May 2002, and it has been as trouble-free as any car I have ever owned. SO much so that it is the only car I have ever kept to 100K miles from new.

Make sure to drive a hard bargain, they have little value in today's market.

Good Luck.

I bought my 02 Limited with a little over 65k on the clock and have just under 98k currently. The only issues I have had on it are the bearings and I have a slow leak in the t-stat housing (4.0L). Those are the only "major" problems as of now. Fluids get changed in a few thousand miles but she still runs strong.

Thanks Guys,

Another input, I talked with the dealer and he said that they have a 1 yr and/or 12k mile guarantee on the ex.

Thanks Guys,

Another input, I talked with the dealer and he said that they have a 1 yr and/or 12k mile guarantee on the ex.

Then low ball that sucker and enjoy! Check what that warrantee covers, too.
