02 limited surging not revving | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 limited surging not revving


New Member
October 20, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 explorer
155000 miles recently stated running rough and surging while driving. Parked and full throttled the gas peddle and it wouldn’t rev to the moon- surged and raved up and down but not clear throttle and only went to like 3k rpm. Wife said she ran it drastically low on fuel a week ago but nothing else weird -
any thoughts?

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155000 miles recently stated running rough and surging while driving. Parked and full throttled the gas peddle and it wouldn’t rev to the moon- surged and raved up and down but not clear throttle and only went to like 3k rpm. Wife said she ran it drastically low on fuel a week ago but nothing else weird -
any thoughts?
Started and ran fine this am-
10 min in at 45 is started surging and Erving from 2500 to 1500 while holding steady peddle-

Started and ran fine this am-
10 min in at 45 is started surging and Erving from 2500 to 1500 while holding steady peddle-
I has similar issues with my 2003.
Replaced plugs, wires, coils, IAC, EGR, MAF, intake gaskets, and checked for intake leaks. It wound up being an upstream 02 sensor.....

I has similar issues with my 2003.
Replaced plugs, wires, coils, IAC, EGR, MAF, intake gaskets, and checked for intake leaks. It wound up being an upstream 02 sensor.....
i checked codes- non stored or upcoming listed.

how did you narrow it down to the o2 sensor?

i checked codes- non stored or upcoming listed.

how did you narrow it down to the o2 sensor?
I did not get any codes either. After I replaced the other things, this was one of the few things left that made sense. There are two upstream and two downstream. I replaced the upstreams and it took care of the problem.
