04 Explorer XLS change oil light...where is it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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04 Explorer XLS change oil light...where is it?


Well-Known Member
April 30, 2009
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City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 XLS
So Ive had my 2004 Explorer XLS for around 1.5 years now and have never once seen the change oil light come on. Does it even have one? Some manuals show how to reset it and some dont. Help please.

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The XLS does not have the message center which tells you when to change oil. What you saw in the manuals refers to the Eddie Bauer, Limited and possibly some XLTs. Check your owners manual for oil change intervals.

The XLS does not have the message center which tells you when to change oil. What you saw in the manuals refers to the Eddie Bauer, Limited and possibly some XLTs. Check your owners manual for oil change intervals.

Thanks. I was afraid that was what it was. At least I know I'm not crazy! haha. I've just been going every 5k with royal purple 5w-30.


LOL, I was reading this hoping you weren't going to say you haven't changed your oil in 1.5 years!
