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06 EB Explorer


New Member
July 23, 2006
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03 XLT
I have an 03 XLT V6 Explorer w/39K miles and was thinking about buying a 06 EB V6.I have noticed that there have been a few upgrades.Not crazy about the door handles .Gas?

I have had a few warranty issues with the differential clutches and axle.The vehicle seems to be ok for now.Now that the warranty is over I was wondering if anyone has had the same issues and did they return later down the road.

Is it worth the trade?Rebates and low interest rates are hard to beat now.

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I love mine, so my answer is slightly biased.

Is it perfect? is ANY vehicle perfect? :D

If you can afford the new vehicle/trade, i'd say go for it!

I have had mine for about four months now and I am very happy with it. Just finished putting about 1,700 miles on it during our vacation and it was a very nice vehcle to travel in. Averaged almost 23mpg with the V8 at highway speeds of about 60. Did not have to spend as much for gas as I feared we might.

Door handles are not really an issue, we got used to them right away. Nav system was very handy and very accurate, DVD kept are kids entertained. Just a great vehicle.

Thanks for the info.That's impressive to hear as far as gas mileage goes for V8.I was thinking about the V6.Didn't test drive the V8.I hear Ford may have better deals down the road.I will try out the V8 .

Do you have the camel interior?If so, how is it holding up as far as getting dirty.I was hoping that it would come in little darker shade.

I have the canel leather suede and on our vacation one of our kids spilled chocolate ice cream on the seats. I had some Armour All leather cleaning wipes with me and the spill came right up.

I really like the two-tone seat colors.

mine are holding up well... as well ;)

Just got the 06 V6 EB with a fantastic leasing deal. So far so good. My wife and I love it. Can't beat the drive. Gas could be better, but if you're worried about that, go buy a Prius. :)

