'06 Explorer Oil Light On | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'06 Explorer Oil Light On

VA Explorerlover

New Member
March 27, 2015
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City, State
Northern Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 4.0 Explorer
My 06 Explorer has 92K miles on it. Over the winter I noticed that on start up in the cold the oil light stayed on. When it first happened I shut the car off immediately. I asked my wife (who drives the car) if she had seen this and she said it does it but if you drive it for a few minutes it goes off. Upon hearing that I almost lost my mind and told her to never drive the thing with the light on.
I did re-start the car and the light stayed on for 30-45 seconds and then went off. I have noticed that it only does it when it is cold and been sitting outside. Once the car is warm it goes away.
Also, in the summer when temps are warm it doesn't do this. I have a new serpentine belt so it shouldn't be that. Can someone help? Have you seen this? Oil pump going bad?

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Might start with the simple items. Oil Level Good? Proper weight of oil?

Could also change the oil sending unit, it's fairly easy to install.

Davidm53 I appreciate that. Yes, the oil level and weight is good. I will look into that oil sending unit. Any way to tell if it is bad or is it so cheap might as well just replace it and see what happens?

It's actually the oil sending sensor switch. Depending where you buy it, $12-$30 range.
Have not checked one myself, just usually buy a new one since engine changes are expensive.

I looked on line and it looks like some people call it just the oil pressure switch. It looks like for the 4.0 its threaded to screw into the block maybe with a plastic shroud for the wire harness to plug into.

Yes, it's a very common part. It does screw into the block, some use plumbers tape on the threads for a better seal.
They sell a socket also that makes it easier to remove/install.

I picked up the switch today and will install it tomorrow. Ill let you know what happens. I think I may run some Seafoam through the thing as well. Gas mileage has been very poor for a while and it seems some people swear by the stuff.

Where is the sending unit located on the 4.0?

It is on the drivers side of the engine. I had an absurd time trying to get it off. Had to take wheel off and a lot of the plastic panels under the car. Only this winter will tell if that was my issue.
