06 Mountaineer steady airbag light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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06 Mountaineer steady airbag light


July 22, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Mountaineer
Recently started getting a solid airbag light on my dash, no flash of any kind. Read the manual, says sensor may be blocked by something under front passenger seat. I did have something under there and have removed it, light still on. I did notice that if I start the truck and the light stays on, I can kill and restart the truck and it will go off and stay off. Anyone have things I can check for? Thank you!

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It is the driver or passenger ? Sometime when you place a heavy item on the passenger seat, it takes about 20 cycles to turn the light off.

If it doesnt go out after so many cycles, these safety features dont have a limit on the warranty. saftey items like this and the seat belt are unlimited.

Recently started getting a solid airbag light on my dash, no flash of any kind. Read the manual, says sensor may be blocked by something under front passenger seat. I did have something under there and have removed it, light still on. I did notice that if I start the truck and the light stays on, I can kill and restart the truck and it will go off and stay off. Anyone have things I can check for? Thank you!

I have the same problem on my 06...just randomly comes on..i restart and its off again...

Maybe you have a loose wire. Have you done any work behind your dash recently?

I put an AUX input into my stereo a year or so ago, and i remember reading in the thread (http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=168356) that if you unplug the chord from the bezel that carries the signal to the airbag light and then don't reattach it, the light will stay on.

The connection to it might be bad or a wire may have rattled loose somewhere between the light and the sensor in the seat.

Replace your battery. I called the Ford dealer and they said what I was told by others and thought myself, low battery. From my days of working at an auto parts store, a mechanic told me a Ford has to have at least 10 volts to start effectively. Since mine was dropping to 9 vvolts, the sensors and computer had incorrect readings and errored. I replaced my battery and all problems have been solved. I was getting a traction control light error also before I replaced my battery, but all is good now with the new battery.

My wife's 06 Mountaineer we bought new started having the airbag readiness stay on sometimes. Maybe 40-50% of the times we start the car, the light comes on and stays on. We can restart the car and the light may or may not turn on, but if it is on, it stays on and if it is off it stays off. This isn't the light above the radio, but the airbag symbol in the instrument cluster.

We have not taken out the radio. I found a water bottle stuck below the passanger seat and rmeoved it. We will see if this helps.

The question is, the car is out of 3/36 USA warranty (3 years 9months old). Can anybody conclusively say if Ford still covers this out of the 3/36 warranty? I have read a few mentioning of Ford covering safety issues out of 3/36 on the forum.

I'm a NOOB here so thanks for your patience :)

Replace your battery, same thing happen on my 06, replaced battery, problem went away, low starting voltage will set the air bag light.

I have been having the steady airbag light issue for a couple weeks, and last weekend my battery took a dirt nap. After replacing the battery, no airbag light issues, so it looks like the battery was the issue for me.

Airbag Light and Weak Battery

Not sure if you ever found a solution, but my airbag light in my 2006 Explorer would stay lit when the truck was started. This generally happened in the morning, or if the truck sat a couple of days. If you then drove around doing errands where you would start and stop to motor, the airbag light would go off on subsequent restarts. I did some research, and found out that a slightly weak battery could be the cause. Apparently, the instrument cluster needs a certain voltage level when starting, and if the voltage is low, these lights will not go off. My explorer is about 4 1/2 years old, so decided it was time for a new battery in any case. I replaced the battery and the airbag light now goes off each and every time you start up.

I'll concur. I was having a problem when the truck was really cold. After warm up and restart it would go away. A few months later I had to replace my battery. I haven't had the problem since.
