07 Sport Trac Exhaust Manifold Leak | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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07 Sport Trac Exhaust Manifold Leak

2009 Black STA - 125 000 km
I had the passenger side manifold replaced under the 100 000 km under warranty. The driver's side went about 2 months ago, not under warranty. Purchased the manifold, studs, gaskets, and heat sheild from my local Ford Dealer. Cost me under $250 for the package. Did the work myself in about 5 hours, which included drilling out the broken stud.

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Well I took my truck in because I heard a ticking sound again and sure enough my drivers side exhaust manifold needed to be replaced. So $3,042 later I have a new drivers side exhaust manifold and a they found that my front passenger side wheel bearings needed replacing too. Luckily tho I had my Carmax warranty still that covered it all and my only cost was $136!

Well I took my truck in because I heard a ticking sound again and sure enough my drivers side exhaust manifold needed to be replaced. So $3,042 later I have a new drivers side exhaust manifold and a they found that my front passenger side wheel bearings needed replacing too. Luckily tho I had my Carmax warranty still that covered it all and my only cost was $136!

Any place that QUOTED $3000 for an exhaust manifold replacement would NEVER EVER get any business from me (even if they eventually did it for $136).

Any place that QUOTED $3000 for an exhaust manifold replacement would NEVER EVER get any business from me (even if they eventually did it for $136).
I never would have paid that much for the repairs without shopping around but since it's the local Ford dealership then I didn't mind them doing the repairs, esp since I only had to pay my deductable with a little extra for some parts that I wanted to replace that weren't covered by the warranty.

So I have had studs on my 07 ironman ex replaced and a manifold and it started leaking again 3 months later is there any solutions for this problem? Or should I just get a custom set of headers?
