10-27-07 King William County, Virginia Mud Bog | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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10-27-07 King William County, Virginia Mud Bog


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April 26, 2006
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'93 XLT
Does anyone know anything about the King William County Mud Bog? Like where it is? Or just any information about it would be appreciate it.


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I am going to guess and say it will be at Wakins Farm. It is in Manquinn. If that is where it is then they will put up a banner on 360 across from the exxon station. I will check with some KW peeps and see what they know.

Yea, I think that's the place where my friend was talking about where it was just don't know exactly how to get there. He said you turn off where the big red barn is on the right hand side once you enter KW, but if you could get more information that would be great.

Anyone know anything more about this?

I checked with my KW peeps, there is a mud bog at Watkins farm Saturday. It is located of RT 360 (east side) across from the Exxon station, in Manquinn (you should see the banner). It is about 5 miles south or west of Central Garage (Rt 30 and 360 intersection). I think they start about 12 noon an quit about 10 pm. I t gets wilder the later in the day it is.

Just a little advice, unless you are really prepared do not run you junk in the bog. Watkins usually puts a lot of water in the hole and it is deeper than it looks. I don't think I will be there but you never know, it is the last one of the year.

Ok thanks man, yea man i was deffintely not considering my explorer through the mud. My friend is going to run though with his 1987 F-250 with a 460 and 38 inch boggers.

If you are going to participate, drive in through the gate and park on the right side, at the end of the bog. They have a hose by the barn near the entrance side of the bog.

If you are going to participate, drive in through the gate and park on the right side, at the end of the bog. They have a hose by the barn near the entrance side of the bog.

Ok thanks I will tell my friend to do that if I remember.

Well the bog was canceled, so I guess we will have to see when it is going to be. If anybody has any information about when it will be. Please post, thank you!

Update: The bog is going to be this Saturday.
