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'11 Explorer Revealed!!

It's the Ford version of the Prius!

Needless to say, I will be saving my money and buying a '71 Torino instead...
They just don't make 'em like they used to.

I have to disagree, it is a lot better than a Prius.

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I didn't mean that it was anything like the Prius, just that it is lacking a little something between the legs. But then again, I guess they just ripped them off the Ex and stuck them here this year:

The new explorer makes you wonder if they're going to keep all the current models... Do you really need an Edge, Escape, Flex, and Explorer??? Is the Expedition remaining unchanged, at least for now?

I like the new Explorer, and might would consider it for a family vehicle with a couple kids, that still gets good mileage.

I didn't mean that it was anything like the Prius, just that it is lacking a little something between the legs. But then again, I guess they just ripped them off the Ex and stuck them here this year:

Couldn't have said it better. At least one model's got some brass. I'll keep my '04 Ex as long as I can. At least it's got a frame.

And I still think they stole the steering wheel of a Bimmer.

It actually look's more like the Acura MDX, which I use to own one. The front side profile look's alot like the MDX also.

I was hoping the engine would've been shoed in right, so later down the road the 5.0 could be added as a special edition. The Explorer 'Storm' would sound right.

I like the look of this new one but would prefer if it had more light holes.

What are light holes?

Singular headlight per side. I would have preferred dual beam, seperate high and low.

Light holes; hole that lights are set into.:)

As for the models being phased out, i think the expedition was supposed to sort of replace the excursion. I suppose they may get rid o the escape or flex, the escape because it is older or the flex because it has been such a flop, or at least it has been. I can't see them getting rid of the expedition or edge due to their individuality and success. However, I don't see ford keeping all the models either. I guess well have to wait and see what hppens but my money is on either the escape or flex, or both.

The Expedition EL replaced the Excursion, since the Expedition is way older than the Excursion.

I don't get it. All the fuel (which equals money) that the new family or Eco boost is suppose to save us, we are gonna put the money right back into the purchase price. Should one pay the money upfront and drive more or should you pay less and drive sparingly?

This is supposed to be coming to the US to replace the Escape. Hopefully, it will! Ford Kuga!!!


I didn't mean that it was anything like the Prius, just that it is lacking a little something between the legs. But then again, I guess they just ripped them off the Ex and stuck them here this year:

Lol yea....Not to get off key here but My boss just bought his son one of those and they're nice pickups.

^^ Looks like a Fiesta.
If I had to guess I'd say Flex will die before Escape. Now that the ******* child Explorer is here. There's an option for the avg. consumer that isn't as ugly as a van without being called a van. Besides you can't pit the two against eachother. They're not even close in cababilities, size, or target market.

Safe to say this won't be competing against the grand cherokee, but more along the lines of a GMC Acadia/Chevy....err Chevrolet Traverse?

Definetly not the jeep. Atleast not the v8 powered, rear driven, irs sprung jeep.

I like it....

I like it. This thing is too nice to be taking it off-road anyways. However, I would be interested to test out all the traction control features. It's always nice to have that kind of capability when you are driving on-road and get stuck in heavy rain or snow.

I'll be keeping my '92 Ex 4x4 as long as there are parts available to fix it. She has enough character (i.e. scratches and dents) that I don't mind taking her off-road. Different purpose, therefor different rig.

I'd definitely like to add this new Ex to my garage, pending a test drive of course.

If they just would've made this RWD and more trucklike (like the other Explorers) in appearance I would have been completely satisfied, but I'm not mad at Ford, they are a business and they know what to do to survive and prosper.

No,I was refering to the japanese look. Have you seen the new Grand cherokee? Very similar in appearance.

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Ok..I found something I dont like. Base Explorer comes with Hubcaps. Seriously ford? Im buying a $30,000 car from you and you cant even do the styles ones that the fusion has?
