12/08/2020-20N11-Warranty Extension-ROOF RACK TRIM DETACHMENT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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12/08/2020-20N11-Warranty Extension-ROOF RACK TRIM DETACHMENT


Elite Explorer
October 9, 2019
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2017 Explorer - Platinum
Hi all, anyone heard or seen details about this?

12/08/2020 - 20N11 - Warranty Extension - Single Repair: ROOF RACK TRIM DETACHMENT

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Saw this on my Ford vehicle report email.

Need to look into it.

Also saw this on my Ford Pass app notifications. Is this for the black trim around the chrome plastic roof rack? Or the entire roof rack?

Appears that they are just replacing the retaining clips with new ones and applying some glue to help hold the cover on. My cover on my 19 seems tight.


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Appears that they are just replacing the retaining clips with new ones and applying some glue to help hold the cover on. My cover on my 19 seems tight.
Whatever you do...do not take it off!!

That's what started the pop-offs for me. I ended up removing them completely. No more roof racks.

Just had my 2018 up at my local dealership yesterday for the recall. They kept it overnight and I picked it up at lunch time today. Got home and looked at the rails. It had already popped off on the passenger side. Fix failed. Called dealership and they said to bring it back up, they would take pictures, send to ford, and order new covers. Said it is the standard procedure and unfortunately have to go through the motions. I'm still under 36k bumper to bumper, so not sure if that contributed to jumping directly to replacement.

I got the notification in the mail the other day. However I have already fixed it myself, so I tossed the notice :)

I got the notification in the mail the other day. However I have already fixed it myself, so I tossed the notice :)
Haha I should have done the same. I took it in this morning to have them do their thing. They looked at it and said the glue didn't stick at all and they would reapply it to see if that works first. So I waited 30 minutes for them to do this.

Got home this evening and gave it my eagle eye look over. The one they had to reglue (passenger side) didn't appear to be seated properly and had a noticable gap at the rear. The driver's side one looks like it didn't get seated properly in 1 spot near the middle of the cover.

Going to call in the morning to let them know. No matter what happens I'm going to tell them it should be revisited in the summer when temps aren't below 20F. I would believe with the cold temps that they would be hard to seat properly and if not seated properly will pop off when the sun hits them at 90F.

Haha I should have done the same. I took it in this morning to have them do their thing. They looked at it and said the glue didn't stick at all and they would reapply it to see if that works first. So I waited 30 minutes for them to do this.

Got home this evening and gave it my eagle eye look over. The one they had to reglue (passenger side) didn't appear to be seated properly and had a noticable gap at the rear. The driver's side one looks like it didn't get seated properly in 1 spot near the middle of the cover.

Going to call in the morning to let them know. No matter what happens I'm going to tell them it should be revisited in the summer when temps aren't below 20F. I would believe with the cold temps that they would be hard to seat properly and if not seated properly will pop off when the sun hits them at 90F.
Yeah I am not very convinced the glue will work long term...

It won't... It's a half a$$ed fix for the least amount of money...

If you don't use 'em...lose 'em...
Yeah I'm in worse shape than when I started. Took pictures so I could email them and save a trip. They wanted me to bring it back in to look at it, didn't want to see photos. I dropped it off this morning, 30 minutes later they called me and said they looked fine and they didn't see a problem. I mentioned the gap that I could fit a quarter into on the front and back. He said they compared it to another one and they look the same and that is just the style. I came back with, the driver's side isn't the same as the passenger side, it definitely not seated properly. He asked me to come back up to show them, I agreed and set a time for around noon.

Get there at noon and meet my customer service rep, as they are sending someone to get the keys the service tech happened to come into the service center, rep points me out to him, he leaves shortly after. Still waiting for them to find my keys as they thought they were with my vehicle but they were in the key box up front. The tech must have called the rep and said he can see the issue now, because he replied back on the phone something to the tune of "ok we will look at it and if we have to hold onto it then we will and get it taken care of."

My explorer pulls up outside and the rep and I walk out to it and he starts changing the story. Says if there is a problem they have to order and replace the whole rail assembly, bottom to top. That once they put the new clips on and glue it down, there is no getting it off. We get out to the car and he sees it himself without me even saying anything. Says they will order new rails and let me know when they arrive. Service tech must have saw me, as tall as I am, and thought, "maybe he can see something I don't."

Of course I came up there alone so I had to leave it there and come back later to get it with my wife. So wasted 3 trips out there for something that could have gotten taken care of via email with photos. They didn't give me an ETA or take pictures either, so I guess I'll have to follow up with them tomorrow.

Good luck anyone who has this done... Give it a good look over after they do it and give the covers a wiggle to ensure they are secure. Maybe take before photos so you have a record of what the "style" is. I'll post mine tomorrow when I'm back on my computer.

Fixed mine after reading a post somewhere else about how another owner fixed their rack covers - PERMANATELY.

Two self tapping screws with attached washer plates solved the problem and can not really be seen. Not a cosmetic eyesore.

I predrilled a smaller hole just to make sure I was going through both the plastic rail and the metal frame underneath.

Ford jacked around with a new rail then new clips, and nothing worked. Heard they are using glue now.

(picture is of the driver side rail, rear of car)


Hello All!

Can anyone tell me what is involved with the roof rail recall? How is it done? etc. I had my fixed and I swear they are a different color now. A different silver color. DO they do a complete replacement or what? Thanks

Also, does anyone have any close up pictures of the rear portion of the factory roof rack? Mine has a piece of rubber sticking out the back that is sitting right in the drip grove on the roof. It isn't laying flat now....almost like its detached. Thanks

Hello All!

Can anyone tell me what is involved with the roof rail recall? How is it done? etc. I had my fixed and I swear they are a different color now. A different silver color. DO they do a complete replacement or what? Thanks
Your thread was merged with this existing one. Also this thread may have the pictures you want, Found it with the 'Search' feature.


Your thread was merged with this existing one. Also this thread may have the pictures you want, Found it with the 'Search' feature.

Thanks Peter!

I just saw on the news that Ford is finally recalling the 2016 to 2019 for the plastic roof rail covers coming loose. I had a 2017 Sport before the ST and my rail covers constantly came loose. I brought in twice and they installed new rail covers but they only last a couple months. I finally had enough and screwed them down and that totally solved that. But a recall for that is finally here. Man, I loved that 17 Sport.

Sorry, I just saw this is already been posted.

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I just saw on the news that Ford is finally recalling the 2016 to 2019 for the plastic roof rail covers coming loose. I had a 2017 Sport before the ST and my rail covers constantly came loose. I brought in twice and they installed new rail covers but they only last a couple months. I finally had enough and screwed them down and that totally solved that. But a recall for that is finally here. Man, I loved that 17 Sport.

Sorry, I just saw this is already been posted.
It only makes sense that this is a full recall and not a TSB warranty extension that they only do the repair if you are having problems as it was initially. My concern was always about them flying off on highway speed and turning into a spear and through someone's windshield. Would have been a catastrophe for Ford if that would have happened and they only had this TSB. Now if they would recognize the A pillar trim having a similar problem.
