13-15 3.5 EB vs 16-19 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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13-15 3.5 EB vs 16-19

October 20, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Mooresville, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Ford Explorer Sport
I'm currently looking at the 13-15 Sport as I prefer that body style compared to the updated 16+ sport but wondered in the event that I possibly buy a higher mileage one as that's becoming the current availability would I be able to down the road replace the 13-15 motor with a 16-19 motor? I know there have been slight updates along the way so I wasn't sure if this has been done a lot or not.

Thanks in advance

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I'm not aware of anyone on the forum doing that swap. I'm not sure if it's possible to do but would think it might be possible. If you do make the change I would strongly recommend changing the internal water pump and timing chain while you're at it. Not sure if you've seen this thread.


I'm currently looking at the 13-15 Sport as I prefer that body style compared to the updated 16+ sport but wondered in the event that I possibly buy a higher mileage one as that's becoming the current availability would I be able to down the road replace the 13-15 motor with a 16-19 motor? I know there have been slight updates along the way so I wasn't sure if this has been done a lot or not.

Thanks in advance
Why? Motors aren't cheap. Cheaper to buy lower and or newer.

Well the intent if I went that route would also be to build the motor after getting it as I believe ecoboostxsport has done. The common sense would indeed be buy lower and or newer I definitely don’t disagree but at least in the Indiana area finding a lower miles 13-15 is less common so pondering all options. 😁

Well the intent if I went that route would also be to build the motor after getting it as I believe ecoboostxsport has done. The common sense would indeed be buy lower and or newer I definitely don’t disagree but at least in the Indiana area finding a lower miles 13-15 is less common so pondering all options. 😁
Used prices are nuts now. Good luck

Indeed. Wish I could just afford a pesky ST 😂

It’s ridiculous, really.

There are more changes than you would think. For 16-19, in addition to the interior/exterior styling there was a new 2.3L 4-cyl EcoBoost engine introduced, a change in electrical architecture(CGEA 1.3), front and rear camera washers added, LED headlights, enhanced park assist, hands-free liftgate, faster USB charging, active grill shutters and air curtains, a new Sony sound system and much quieter interior thanks to acoustic glass(on XLT+), new door seals, and tuned engine subframe mounts. 2017+ models also include SYNC 3.
