1993 2.3 engine swap to a 1995 2.3 engine, need crankshaft sensor help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1993 2.3 engine swap to a 1995 2.3 engine, need crankshaft sensor help

Jack Avant

New Member
November 15, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Hartsville South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 ranger
Hello, I bought a 1995 ranger 2.3 with a bad engine. I took another engine out of a 1993 ranger and I have the engine installed. On the 1995 engine the crankshaft sensor is mounted at the crankshaft. I do not see one on the 1993 engine. Can I get some advice on what to do to resolve my problem? I did switch out the intake and all was going well until I ran into the crankshaft sensor problem. I would appreciate your help and advice. Thanks in advance.

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I don't know 4cyl engines at all, but I looked at my old Haynes manual that only covers 93-96 Rangers and it makes no note of different locations for different years...
Here's the illustration it gives if that helps you at all:


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Thanks I will look closer tomorrow but I don't see that on the 1993 engine.

engine swap guestion

I am trying to install a 1993 2.3 engine in a 1995 2.3 where the engine was bad. I have both trucks here. I swapped the intake and manifold and that worked well. My problems showed up when I noticed that the 1995 engine had a camshaft sensor and the 1993 engine did not. Also found that the crankshaft sensor on the 1993 engine was behind the timing cover and it is a 4 wire. The 1995 sensor is external and has a 2 wire. Can this be rewired or what do I need to do? I need some help please!!!

Am I on the right site for this question?

Well yes, you are in the Ranger section, but it may take a while to get someone who knows the answer to see this. There's no paid experts sitting around waiting to help or anything, just regular people who drive Fords.
I'll edit your thread title to hopefully help get you an answer.

The cavalry may be late, but my 94 was behind the timing cover.
You may have to decide which computer to run.
I know 95 was the first year with air bags so there may be slight differences from 93-94 models.
After you get it running put a 4.56 rear end in it and let that Lima sing! Better mileage, and power.
