1997 Mountaineer into 1959 Ford F100 Build Diary | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 Mountaineer into 1959 Ford F100 Build Diary

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you cut the frame straight down and not on an angle??

I love the way this is going! MORE! MORE! MORE!

you cut the frame straight down and not on an angle??

I love the way this is going! MORE! MORE! MORE!

The way i will be grafting the frames, the angle of the cut is irrelevant lol

I'm watching!

let's see the rest of the surgery now! LOL

I'm watching!

let's see the rest of the surgery now! LOL

I guess I should be more specific. See, the explorer frame rails will simply slide into the 59 frame rails, kind of like a glove. I will have about 14 inches of explorer frame INSIDE the 59 frame, and then TIG welded. So the angle of which I cut doesn't really matter.

I kind of figured that since the older frame is like a 5" "C" and the monty is like a 4" "C" frame.

I just wanted to bust on you a little! LOL

I like it i cant wait to see how it turns out in the end. keep up the good work.

Wear Safety Glasses!!

So I walk into the garage tonight, and I am staring at the mess I got myself into

So I got a little work done tonight. Wirewheeled the frame rails some more, and ground off the passenger cab mount. That's pretty much it, LOL

Oh and A helpful hint...ALWAYS wear safety glasses when grinding. Don't think for one second that you wont get small hot metal bits in your EYE!!:rolleyes:


Got the pictures from Craig on the 'Found On Russell's Driveway' meet from last week. Enjoy!

drop shackles and a bolt in c-notch should take care of clearance issues and frame strength.

WOW! I just found this. That is one big challenge you've taken on. Kudos to you. That is going to be a sweet ride.

Apart from people sneaking around your back yard looking under tarp's? The dirty bird's!!


I hope things are still on track to complete this build.

Russell's got a lot on his plate guys, be patient. He has two other Explorers that need his attention. :)

we're patient

just hope everything is going well with him and his wife.

hate to see this project get put on the shelf.

Outstanding,,,,,don't give up!!!!!

So so so so sorry guys for no updates, Im still here :p:

The 59 is not dead yet, just like Dan said, had some other more pressing projects come up..Like teh 5R swap in Blue, and the motor swap in Shade...plus it seems I have become the Bandit Garage for fixing other folk's explorers, which is great! But alas, they take priority, and once I get some ducks in a row (see above bandits) work will resume on the 59. It's just simmering on the back burner for now, but not cold :cool:

And here I was trying to convince him to use the v8 from the F100 in his new Bandit. :D

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good to see your still mauling over the project.

sometimes you have to step back and get other things done.
while coming up with a plan to move it forward!
