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1998 Ford Explorer Stalls When I Turn on the Air Conditioner

No, a failed sensor should cause the PCM to enter open loop mode, if I remember correctly

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I did have a look at the coil, but did not take it out. I will do that.
My reader does not do live data but I think I have to go and buy one to check for the RPM when it dies.

This morning:
I unplugged the AC and started the vehicle - it ran fine - 32 at the fuel rail.
Plugged in the AC but did not turn the AC on - it ran fine - 32 at the fuel rail.
I turned the AC on to Normal (not Max) and the fuel at the rail dropped to 20 and the truck started to chug so I shut it off before it stalled.
It was not on long enough to build condensation. The AC was not whining but it was kicking in and out continuously for the few minutes that it was on.
In my opinion you have a weak fuel pump cause your rail pressure drops off when you turned the AC on. Does it bog down when you do hard accelerations? My exp did that when i had a weak fuel pump but i have the newer returnless fuel system.

In my opinion you have a weak fuel pump cause your rail pressure drops off when you turned the AC on. Does it bog down when you do hard accelerations? My exp did that when i had a weak fuel pump but i have the newer returnless fuel system.
It did not bog down on hard accelerations. We drove down the QE2 doing 100 KM and no issue. We went into a business park, doing 50KM and It just suddenly started to sputter and then quit. We had it towed home.
We let it cool down and it always starts again. I can start it successfully every morning but if I try in the afternoon, it won't start.
I live in Alberta and we have been having some pretty hot days.
We changed out the crankshaft position sensor but that didn't help.
This weekend we are doing the fuel pump.

Well, here we are again. This fuel pump I bought is reading 3 on pressure, it's only 2.5 years old, wtf! Good news is it is fully warranted, so next week it will be replaced. Only will have to pay labor.

Well, here we are again. This fuel pump I bought is reading 3 on pressure, it's only 2.5 years old, wtf! Good news is it is fully warranted, so next week it will be replaced. Only will have to pay labor.
I saw you post about this in another thread I think. Was going to reply with a quote of that in this thread. What brand did you buy? Someone recommended not to buy that one after your reply. CynthiaK which pump do you have installed by which brand?

I saw you post about this in another thread I think. Was going to reply with a quote of that in this thread. What brand did you buy? Someone recommended not to buy that one after your reply. CynthiaK which pump do you have installed by which brand?
The shop I go to has a deal I guess with Autozone. Lifetime warranty on parts, but not the best when it comes to fuel pumps (Delphi).

From what I’ve heard/read, Delphi pumps are pretty good. Bosch is preferred here. Airtex is a 100% avoid.

From what I’ve heard/read, Delphi pumps are pretty good. Bosch is preferred here. Airtex is a 100% avoid.
Not the one I had. Maybe the next one will be better, I hope.

From what I’ve heard/read, Delphi pumps are pretty good. Bosch is preferred here. Airtex is a 100% avoid.
^This. Is what I read. Yeah, Bosch recommended Delphi is a hit or miss.
I guess quality control? Would make sense. Most brands (in a literal sense here, *brands*,) just cut costs with quality control to be the cheaper alternative to hit that niche in the market, while other brands spend more on QC and make a more reliable product in theory, but then it costs more. Not always the case but I bet that's the case here.

For what it's worth I replaced the fuel pump in my 2000 Sport with a Carter around 7 or 8 months ago. It was a perfect fit. Price was good for the complete unit. Knock on wood, so far so good..

If it turns over normally but won't start, having checked all the other things you mentioned, I would connect a scan tool and see if you get an rpm signal while cranking,

It was indeed the fuel pump.

Thank-you everyone for your responses, they were all greatly appreciated!

I saw you post about this in another thread I think. Was going to reply with a quote of that in this thread. What brand did you buy? Someone recommended not to buy that one after your reply. CynthiaK which pump do you have installed by which brand?
We installed a Delphi pump but I am not sure what brand was in there before, no markings on it.
